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A guideline for everyday practical use.  Personal skills needed for successful social communication and interaction.

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Presentation on theme: "A guideline for everyday practical use.  Personal skills needed for successful social communication and interaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 A guideline for everyday practical use

2  Personal skills needed for successful social communication and interaction

3 Social Skills are learned skills. They can be positive or negative EXAMPLES: Sharing Participation Being a good listener Helping others Following Directions Can you give an example of a negative social skill?

4  Brainstorm with the class what it takes to be (insert social skill). -What does this person do? -How do you know when someone is doing this? -What are these qualities? It is important to accept all responses and record on a piece of paper, chart or white board. Students should also keep a record to make rubrics for role playing activity. When teaching social skills it is most effective when one skill is taught at a time. Teachers often use role playing as an effective teaching tool. wings?gclid=CKe4nvuSuawCFasEQAodyGZuFg

5  Special education students have historically missed out on important social skills learning opportunities. This is because of time spent outside of the general education classroom  School-wide POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT

6  Teachers can be great role models for this -- IDEA AMENDMENTS OF 1997 emphasizes.  Positively encourage appropriate social skills with praise.  Social skills can be systematically taught but are not easily generalized  Music  Social stories  Role playing  PBS  Classroom management

7  Build character, social and emotional skills, and brainpower with upbeat, inviting songs  Makes a great supplement for character lessons  Helps children cope with everyday problems  It’s a fun and enjoyable way to learn

8  Social Stories are simple stories with pictures to help children know what is expected of them at certain times.  It can a very effective way for children to overcome their fears or complete tasks which they need help understanding. 

9  Descriptive sentences- describe what people do in particular social situations, and clearly define where a situation occurs, who is involved, what they are doing, and why.  Perspective sentences- Perspective sentences present others’ reactions to a situation so that the individual can learn how others perceive various events.  Directive sentences- directs a person to an appropriate desired response, stated in positive terms, what the desired behavior is.  Control sentences- identify strategies the person can use to facilitate memory and comprehension of the social story. A control sentence should be written or inspired by the child.  Limit directive and control sentences

10  Social skills should be taught to young children to enhance their social emotional development and as a reinforcement against future difficulties

11  friends//  

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