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Women’s Rights Jeanie Shin Yujin Yang Kori Kang Jiny Kim.

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1 Women’s Rights Jeanie Shin Yujin Yang Kori Kang Jiny Kim

2  Lucretia Mott was antislavery, women’s rights activist, and Quaker minister  helped organize women's abolitionist societies, since the anti-slavery organizations would not admit women as members.  Key organizer in the broader-based convention for women's rights held in Rochester, New York, in 1850, at the Unitarian Church.  Her theology was influenced by Unitarians including Theodore Parker and William Ellery Channing as well as early Quakers including William Penn.  Elected as the first president of the American Equal Rights Convention after the end of the Civil War Lucretia Mott

3  Organized by Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott  The first public women's rights meeting in the United States  300 men and women came to Seneca Falls, New York to protest the mistreatment of women in social, economic, political, and religious life  Demanded that women be granted all of the rights and privileges that men possessed, including the right to vote.  The "Declaration of Sentiments" written primarily by Stanton and Mott was a deliberate parallel to the "Declaration of Independence  Beginning of the women's movement in America.  Reactions:  Newspapers reacted with articles mocking the Seneca Falls convention  Some people though that the “Declaration of Sentiments” was ridiculous on its face  Even more liberal papers like that of Horace Greeley judged the demand to vote to be going to far Seneca Falls Convention

4  This is a picture of women participating in Seneca Falls Convention

5 Declaration of Sentiments (1848) A declaration signed at the Seneca Falls Convention Based on the Declaration of Independence Described the types of discrimination that the women in America faced Called for equal rights for women in education, law, and voting Caused by unfair treatment of women by men Signed under the leadership of Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton (by 100 out of 300 attendees) Frederick Douglas also spoke persuasively to acknowledge the facts mentioned in the declaration. Reactions: Many respected the courage and abilities for drafting the document, but were unwilling to take actions for actual change.

6  "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal." -Lucretia Mott  “The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her” - Delaration of Sentiments (1848) Primary source

7  November 12, 1815 – October 26, 1902  Leading figure of the early women’s movement  Also an abolitionist Concentrated on abolishing slavery during the Civil War  President of the National Woman Suffrage Association  Held the Seneca Falls Convention in July 1848 Frederick Douglass only African American to attend agreed with Stanton’s resolution regarding women’s suffrage  Wrote the Declaration of Sentiments  One of the leaders in promoting women’s right in general Divorce Right to vote  Argued that the Bible and organized religion denied women their full rights The Woman’s Bible Elizabeth Cady Stanton

8  Followed the English convention  Married women were far more disadvantaged than single women or widows  Once married, women lost their legal identities and became one person with the husband.  Wives’ properties automatically went to their husbands.  Personal possession that wives could have was dowries from their fathers.  Rare for daughters to inherit real property; they inherited personal properties  Unable to work and control wages  Divorce  women become impoverished Women had no rights to marital property Women’s Suffrage


10  Economic realities of life demanded greater flexibility for women  After civil war and industrialization, women had to support the family like men  Addressed the grievances presented by English women  Wife’s rights to own, buy, and sell property (separate property)  Restored wives’ legal identities  Right to sue and be sued  Able to hold stock in their own names  women start business  Liable for their own debts Married Women’s Property Act


12  Identify two women key figures and state their contributions to the women’s movement. Homework assignment

13      independence-womens-rights-and-seneca-falls-d independence-womens-rights-and-seneca-falls-d   

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