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Year 11 Media GCSE Science Fiction Films - Help Sheet - Task 1: Compare the openings of TWO Science Fictions films. How are narrative and genre established.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 11 Media GCSE Science Fiction Films - Help Sheet - Task 1: Compare the openings of TWO Science Fictions films. How are narrative and genre established."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 11 Media GCSE Science Fiction Films - Help Sheet - Task 1: Compare the openings of TWO Science Fictions films. How are narrative and genre established and how do they appeal to their audience? You will also need to look closely at micro elements.

2 Year 11 Media GCSE Science Fiction Films - Help Sheet - Task 2: Explore how either men or women are represented in a Science Fiction film of your choice. Try to provide evidence from the film to support your comments Katniss Everdeen Displays both feminine and masculine qualities - she cares for her family but also provides for them Drives the action - she is the film's main protagonist and the audience see things largely from her point-of-view through narrative and use of camera Head of the family since her father died - provides food for them and is the reason she has become such a good hunter Dominates her mother - seen through her body language; holds her chin up while her mother slouches Caring - when she comforts her sister after her nightmare at the beginning of the film Physically strong and athletic; hunts and is skilled with a bow and arrow - seen near the opening in the forest and during the games; shows her masculine qualities; represented as a female warrior Courageous; selfless; compassionate; family centred - when she volunteers to take her sisters place in the games Independent - she initially doesn't want help from the other tributes Tough, unsentimental and practical - how she deals with injuries during the games. Doesn't care about her appearance - draw comparison between Katniss and the people from the Capitol Intelligent - in the way she outwits other tributes and the government at the end with the poisonous berries and double suicide pact Embodies rebellion - sells things on the black market ; also seen after Rue's death when she covers her with flowers, sings to her and makes a gesture of defiance which sparks rebellion in District 11.

3 Task 3: Develop an idea for a Science Fiction film of your own which fulfils the brief. However good your idea is, if it doesn’t fulfil the brief given in the letter, it won’t count. Make sure your idea revolves around one of the three titles given: Abandoned; Darkness Reigns; At Close of Day. Appeals to a niche audience Can be produced on a low budget Is based around a current fear or zeitgeist If you are not sure what some of these words mean refer to the glossary given with the exam paper. Year 11 Media GCSE Science Fiction Films Tasks 3 & 4 Help Sheet Task 4: Your film needs to hook its audience from the start. Show us your plans for the opening sequence of the film. You are asked to produce a storyboard of between ten and fifteen shots.

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