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Tomorrow, Tomorrow, tomorrow

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1 Tomorrow, Tomorrow, tomorrow
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

2 Literary Analysis - title
Where does the title come from? Allusion to Macbeth: “Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, / Creeps in this petty pace from day to day / To the last syllable of recorded time;” (Act V, scene v) What does that mean? What is Vonnegut trying to say about living forever?

3 Literary Analysis – Symbolism/Irony/theme
What is anti-gerasone symbolic of? What is the day bed symbolic of? Find three instances of irony in the story. So then, what are the themes found in this story?

4 Quote analysis Write the justification part of a developmental paragraph in which you show that the following quote supports the theme of greed. "Life was good.  He could hardly wait to see what was going to happen next.” OR Write the justification part of a developmental paragraph in which you show that the following quote supports the theme of the dangers of overpopulation. "Sometimes I wish folks just up and died regular as clockwork, without anything to say about it, instead of deciding themselves how long they're going to stay around."

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