How much change are you willing to accept? To change or not to change—that is the question!

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2 How much change are you willing to accept? To change or not to change—that is the question!

3 Liberal  Liberal-believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change : relating to or supporting political liberalism not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted  favorable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs.

4 Conservative  believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society : relating to or supporting political conservatism not liking or accepting changes or new ideas  disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.

5 Change  These are generalizations, but, in general…  A Conservative is more likely to believe in traditional values and wants things to remain the same.  A liberal is more likely to believe that change is necessary and will do what it takes to make those changes

6 On the issue of guns  A more liberal view  A more conservative view

7 Guns  A more liberal view: Wants to limit who can own guns and gun rights  A more conservative view: Belief in the 2 nd amendment, with few restrictions  *Remember this is on a spectrum, it is not black or white, or on one side or the other.

8 Money  These are generalizations, but, in general…  A Conservative is more likely to believe in the government saving money rather than spending it  A Liberal is more likely to believe that government money should be spent if it leads to change

9 Size of Government  These are generalizations, but, in general…  A Conservative is more likely to believe in a government that is small and has limited power  A Liberal is more likely to believe in government that is larger (because it can promote change)

10 Environment  This topic tends to go against the “general idea”  What would a liberal or conservative say about protecting the environment?

11 Environment  Liberal View: Wants to protect the environment  Conservative View: More willing to use the environment for the advancement of people

12 Issue: Gay Marriage  Which party would be more likely to favor laws that would give gays more rights?  For example, which party would be most likely to allow people to be openly gay in the military?  Which party would be most likely to allow civil unions (non-religiously endorsed unions of gays)?  Which party would be most likely to allow gay marriage?

13 Abortion  Which party would associate with a woman’s right to choose? (planned parenthood)  Which party would associate with the Right to Life organization?

14 Liberal or Conservative  Most people are going to be liberal on some issues and conservative on others.

15 POLITICAL SPECTRUM LEFT WINGRIGHT WING LIBERALCONSERVATIVE MODERATERADICAL REVOLUTIONARY: Wants drastic change and believes it requires drastic action (revolution) RADICAL REACTIONARY: Wants to go back to the way things were

16 Democrats vs. Republicans  Which party tends to be more liberal?  Which party tends to be more conservative?

17 A Hint  Which party does Barack Obama belong to?

18 POLITICAL SPECTRUM LEFT WINGRIGHT WING LIBERALCONSERVATIVE MODERATERADICAL REVOLUTIONARY: Wants drastic change and believes it requires drastic action (revolution) RADICAL REACTIONARY: Wants to go back to the way things were DEMOCRATSREPUBLICANS

19 POLITICAL SPECTRUM LEFT WINGRIGHT WING LIBERALCONSERVATIVE MODERATERADICAL REVOLUTIONARY: Wants drastic change and believes it requires drastic action (revolution) RADICAL REACTIONARY: Wants to go back to the way things were DEMOCRATSREPUBLICANS

20 Where do we get our political ideas?  This is called Political Socialization

21 BIAS:  News…

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