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Evolution: from reptiles (a branch called therapsids) ~ 150 mya What event (65 mya) provided mammals a “window of opportunity”?

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution: from reptiles (a branch called therapsids) ~ 150 mya What event (65 mya) provided mammals a “window of opportunity”?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Evolution: from reptiles (a branch called therapsids) ~ 150 mya What event (65 mya) provided mammals a “window of opportunity”?


4 Common Features of Mammals: 1. Complex Brain – allows complex behavior, learning, curiosity.

5 2. Well Developed Heart – Four Chambered Heart Warm Blooded (Endothermy)

6 3. Well Developed Lungs – Air intake aided by what muscle?

7 4. Skin Glands a.Mammary Glands – milk (lactose)

8 b. Sweat Glands Regulate body temperature & get rid of wastes Humans – all over Dogs & Cats - paws

9 C. Sebaceous (Oil) Glands Lubricate hair & skin

10 d. Scent Glands communication

11 5. Hair traps air therefore insulates This is a distinctly mammalian trait. Hair may also function for camouflage or signaling. Aquatic mammals have lost most of their hair (replaced with blubber)


13 6. Diphyodont Teeth Two sets: Baby teeth & Adult teeth (humans 20, 32)

14 The two traits that make you a mammal?


16 Monotremes Oviparous – lay eggs


18 Marsupials Ovoviviparous – young develop inside mom (attached to yolk sac) Short gestation Further development in pouch (nipples-milk)

19 Examples of Marsupials:

20 Placental Mammals 95% of all mammals Internal development (viviparous) Longer gestation Fetus-umbilical cord-placenta-uterine wall


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