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Inclusive Employment Seminar Handicap International 7 - 11 October 2013 Vientiane, Lao PDR Introduction to Social Protection Lorenzo Villa Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusive Employment Seminar Handicap International 7 - 11 October 2013 Vientiane, Lao PDR Introduction to Social Protection Lorenzo Villa Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusive Employment Seminar Handicap International 7 - 11 October 2013 Vientiane, Lao PDR Introduction to Social Protection Lorenzo Villa Coordinator “Decent Work and Social Protection project”

2 Agenda What is social protection? What HI’s economic inclusive projects can do FOR and WITH social protection?

3 Many definitions: ◦ Governments ◦ ILO, Unicef, World Bank, etc. ◦ Academics...that reflect different frameworks... ◦ What problems? What aim? ◦ Who benefits? When? ◦ Who responsible? Who provide?... influence legislation, policies, programs What is social protection ?

4 Most comprehensive definition.......... a set of formal and informal interventions that aim to reduce/mitigate the impact of social and economic risks, vulnerabilities and deprivations for all people, throughout their life-cycle and facilitate equitable growth and social empowerment

5 The aim of social protection Primarily to tackle ◦ poverty ◦ vulnerability But also to promote ◦ social and economic empowerment ◦ inclusive economic opportunities and pro-poor-growth

6 Static view of Social Protection Provision Prevention Safety nets Social assistance: relief from deprivation Insurance mechanisms: prevent deprivation

7 Dynamic view of Social Protection Provision Prevention Promotion Springboards Productivity-enhancing: better, more stable livelihood Safety nets RESILIENCERESILIENCE

8 KNOW it: ◦ Review laws, policies and local programs ◦ Delivery systems and entry doors ◦ Current contingencies and future plans ENSURE our beneficiaries know and use the “safety nets” COMBINE the “springboards” with our action. What can we do for and with social protection ?

9 ◦ Awareness campaigns on SP schemes ◦ Education on SP schemes ◦ Application support ◦ Referral systems ◦ Inclusion into delivery system THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS ! ◦ Impact usually requires lot of work and personalized support Know and use the “safety nets”

10 Destitute Extreme Poor Moderate Poor Vulnerable Non-Poor Wealthy HI projects do not target extreme poverty and vulnerability Microfinance Livelihood Development Programs

11 Destitute Extreme Poor Moderate Poor Vulnerable Non-Poor Wealthy Social protection enable to include the extreme poor Microfinance Social Protection Programs Livelihood Development Programs Promote better livelihoods creating ladders Provide to stabilize sequencing

12 BRAC Graduation Model 0 Months3 Months6 Months21 Months24 Months Targeting Consumption Support Skills Training Asset Transfer Savings Poverty Line Extreme Poverty Market Analysis Regular Coaching Sustainable Livelihoods Access to Credit

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