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Walking. Skipping Jogging Walk Squats stand with back against the wall and legs approx. 1-1 ½ feet from the base of the wall slide back down the wall.

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Presentation on theme: "Walking. Skipping Jogging Walk Squats stand with back against the wall and legs approx. 1-1 ½ feet from the base of the wall slide back down the wall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walking

2 Skipping

3 Jogging

4 Walk Squats stand with back against the wall and legs approx. 1-1 ½ feet from the base of the wall slide back down the wall until knees are bent in a 90 degree angle hold this “squatting” position for 30 seconds at a time STOP this activity if pain is present

5 Jumping Jacks-Jills

6 Sit-ups & Push-ups

7 “Burpies” stand up straight squat down, place hands on the ground should width apart at the same time, kick feet backwards keeping both feet together into a push-up position from the push-up position pull feet up to chest and jump straight up

8 Peg Board

9 Flexibility be sure not to bounce record down each stretch STOP is pain is present

10 Vertical Jump

11 “Squeeze Test”

12 Warm-Up 3-4 jogging laps (2-3 min) Full body Stretches (5-7 min) : neck, arms, shoulders, legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, calve muscles) 2 logging laps and 1 sprinting lap (2-3 min) Warm-up should last approx. 8-15 minutes

13 Cool-Down 2 laps walking (2-3 min) While you are doing your cool-down laps it is ok to gently stretch out shoulder area, arms, and legs Stationary stretches: arms, legs, neck, shoulders, etc… (3-5 min) Cool-Down should last approx. 5-7 min

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