In-Delta Storage Program. Background and historyBackground and history Evolution of the fish screensEvolution of the fish screens Proposed Re-engineered.

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Presentation on theme: "In-Delta Storage Program. Background and historyBackground and history Evolution of the fish screensEvolution of the fish screens Proposed Re-engineered."— Presentation transcript:

1 In-Delta Storage Program

2 Background and historyBackground and history Evolution of the fish screensEvolution of the fish screens Proposed Re-engineered Delta Wetlands Project operationsProposed Re-engineered Delta Wetlands Project operations Fish screen structureFish screen structure OutlineOutline

3 Why are DWR and Reclamation Involved? CALFED ROD Reclamation and DWR ‘98-’99 evaluations concluded proposed locations meet CALFED’s environmental restoration and water supply reliability objectives December 2001 DWR/Reclamation completed a joint planning study

4 DWR/Reclamation Involvement Joint planning study concluded that for ownership by DWR/Reclamation, the Delta Wetlands Project requires modifications and additional analyses before it is appropriate to initiate negotiations with Delta Wetlands or other land owners. Joint planning study work was reviewed by a CALFED Science Panel and the Independent Board of Consultants. June 2003 complete Feasibility Study (state version).

5 Delta Wetlands Bacon and Webb (Storage) Holland and Bouldin (Habitat)

6 Delta Wetlands Proposed Project Delta Wetlands Properties, Inc., a private company, made a proposal in July 1987 for storage on Webb Tract and Bacon Islands with habitat development on Holland and Bouldin Islands The Final Operations Criteria were completed in January 1997 USFWS and NMFS biological opinions were issued in May 1997 EIR was completed in May 2000 DFG’s Incidental Take Permit was issued in June 2001 EIS was completed in July 2001








14 Decision 1643 from the SWRCBDecision 1643 from the SWRCB SWRCB CWA Section 401 Water Quality CertificationSWRCB CWA Section 401 Water Quality Certification ACOE 404 PermitACOE 404 Permit Permits Received

15 Permit Fisheries Requirements Final Operations Criteria –Diversion measures –Discharge measures –Other measures –Fish monitoring program –Exports limited to 250,000 AF per year

16 FOC Diversion Measures Timing and duration of diversions are dictated by the position of X2. No diversions can occur in April and May. Diversions linked to the delta smelt Fall Midwater Trawl index. Limited by percentage of available surplus water. Can not exceed a set percentage of previous day’s net Delta outflow rate and a percentage of the San Joaquin River inflow rate.

17 FOC Diversion Measures - continued Diversion rates are reduced by 50% if delta smelt are detected by in-channel monitoring from December – August. Linked to operation of the DCC gates. Maximum topping-off rates are set.

18 FOC Discharge Measures No discharges for export or rediversion from Webb Tract can occur from January – June. February – July discharges for export are limited by percentages of available unused capacity at CVP and SWP. Provides for environmental water releases December – June. Discharges for export are reduced by 50% if delta smelt are detected by daily in-channel monitoring April - August.

19 Other Measures Fish screen final design and installation guidelines are subject to the approval of the regulatory agencies. 200 acres of shallow water habitat protected by conservation easement Boat wake erosion fee Mitigation ratio of 3:1 for aquatic habitat impacts from siphon and pumping stations and boat docks Temperature and DO limits for discharges Incidental entrainment compensation

20 Re-engineered Delta Wetlands Project Bacon and Webb (Storage) Holland and Bouldin (Habitat)



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