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Unhealthy Relationships By: Zac Harris, Jason Brannock, and Ryan Michael.

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Presentation on theme: "Unhealthy Relationships By: Zac Harris, Jason Brannock, and Ryan Michael."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unhealthy Relationships By: Zac Harris, Jason Brannock, and Ryan Michael

2 Definition

3 Thesis Sentence Unhealthy relationships are a big part of our society, physical abuse, verbal abuse, and when your partnel cheats, all are a major part of unhealthy relationships.

4 Physical Abuse Rhianna and Chris Brown

5 Verbal Abuse Okonkowo from Things Fall Apart, verbally (and physically) abuses his children.

6 Partner Cheating Tiger woods was caught cheating on his wife, Elin Nordegren

7 Causes

8 Thesis Causes of unhealthy relationships are peer pressure, loneliness, and physical desire.

9 Peer Pressure The organization, above the influence points out the negative influence of peer pressure in their commercials, peer pressure not only encourages people to try drugs and alcohol, but to also get into relationships that may not be healthy.

10 Lonliness

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