The Roman Republic: People Indo-European people during 1500-1000 BCE Latins lived in Latium (herders/farmers) Greeks and Etruscans settled around 800 BCE.

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Presentation on theme: "The Roman Republic: People Indo-European people during 1500-1000 BCE Latins lived in Latium (herders/farmers) Greeks and Etruscans settled around 800 BCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roman Republic: People Indo-European people during 1500-1000 BCE Latins lived in Latium (herders/farmers) Greeks and Etruscans settled around 800 BCE Age of Greek Colonization (750-550 BCE) settled in Sicily and southern Italy

2 People (cont’d) Establishment of Rome came from Etruscans Rome – small village transformed by Etruscan building program Brought with them influence of Toga as official dress Etruscan army influenced Roman army

3 The Roman Republic Early Rome (753-509 BCE) was under control of 7 kings; 2 of last 3 were Etruscan 509 BCE fall of early Rome. Romans overthrew Etruscan king to establish a republic Republic – citizens have a right to vote and not led by a king

4 The Roman Republic Rome at war for almost 200 years 338-288 BCE Rome crushes Latin states and those in the Apennine region Conquered southern and mostly all of Italy by 264 BCE

5 The Roman Republic: Government Roman Confederation – Roman rule over Italy allowing full Roman citizenship to conquered people. Allowed remaining communities the freedom to run their own affairs Had to provide Rome with soldiers

6 Government (Cont’d.) Divided into 2 orders The Patricians – landowners, ruling class The Plebeians – less wealthy landowners, craftspeople, merchants, small farmers Men in both were voting citizens but only Patricians could hold office

7 Government (Cont’d.) The consuls and praetors – chief executive officers o Consuls – 2 elected each year; one to run government, one to lead military o Praetors – enforces Roman Republic civil law Roman Senate – select group of 300 patricians; served for life Senate started out as advisors, grew to have great influential strength of the law

8 Government (Cont’d.) Centuriate Assembly – additional assembly that elected chief officials and passed laws Organized by classes based on wealth Who had the majority? Council of the Plebs – assembly for Plebeians established as a solution to social structure struggle

9 Government (Cont’d.) Often conflict between Patricians and Plebeians Children of groups could not intermarry Plebeians sought political and social equality Eventually Tribune of Plebs developed to protect rights and “equalities” of Plebeians

10 Government: Roman Law 12 Tables – Rome’s first code of Laws; eventually replaced and updated Law of Nations – seen by Romans as natural law based on reason and established standards of Justice Still in effect in today’s legal systems

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