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Yoga for Shoulder Rehab. The Rotator Cuff SupraspinatusInfraspinatus Teres minor subscapularis.

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Presentation on theme: "Yoga for Shoulder Rehab. The Rotator Cuff SupraspinatusInfraspinatus Teres minor subscapularis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yoga for Shoulder Rehab

2 The Rotator Cuff SupraspinatusInfraspinatus Teres minor subscapularis

3 Secondary stabilizers TrapeziusRhomboids Latisimus dorsi Pectoralis major and minor Serratus anterior Triceps

4 Bones that make the frame ScapulaHumerusRibcageClavicle/sternum

5 Cartilage (soft parts) The labrum The capsule

6 Movement Rotation (circumduction) AbductionAdductionExtensionFlexion

7 Standard exercises Overhead press Lateral raise Upright rows Internal/External rotation therabands Shoulder shrugs Incline bench press

8 The better way! Mountain Down dog Bridge Shoulder stand Plank Lord fish

9 Mountain

10 Downward Facing Dog

11 Bridge

12 Shoulder Stand

13 Plank

14 Lord of the Fish

15 Crow

16 Circulatory benefits Lymphatic movement Synovial wringing Muscle perfusion Proprioceptive training

17 “Side” benefits Balance Counter pose Flexibility Breath control Mind stilling Core strength Improved digestion

18 The Saguil Approach Weight training is building muscle using eccentric and concentric movement around a joint Yoga is stilling the mind to balance the body-it involves more than just “a pose” Yoga in sanskrit means “union”, the union mind body and spirit, (an entire science of existence from 5000 years ago)

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