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The Eastern and Western Hemispheres Connect Key Concept 4.1.

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1 The Eastern and Western Hemispheres Connect Key Concept 4.1

2 New global circulation of goods Intensification of all existing regional trade networks Brought prosperity and economic disruption to the merchants and governments in the trading regions of the: o Indian Ocean o Mediterranean o Sahara o And overland Eurasia.

3 Developments in cartography and navigationcartography Built on previous knowledge developed in the classical, Islamic, and Asian worlds New tools: o Astrolabe Astrolabe o Revised maps Innovations in ship designs: o Caravels Caravels Improved understanding of global wind and currents patterns

4 Official Chinese maritime activity expanded into the Indian Ocean region with the naval voyages led by Ming Admiral Zheng He, which enhanced Chinese prestige. Zheng He

5 Portuguese development of a school for navigation led to increased travel to and trade with West Africa, and resulted in the construction of a global trading-post empire.navigationtrade

6 Spanish sponsorship of the first Columbian and subsequent voyages across the Atlantic and Pacific dramatically increased European interest in transoceanic travel and trade.

7 Northern Atlantic crossings for fishing and settlements continued and spurred European searches for multiple routes to Asia. In Oceania and Polynesia, established exchange and communication networks were not dramatically affected because of infrequent European reconnaissance in the Pacific Ocean.

8 European merchants’ role in Asian trade was characterized mostly by transporting goods from one Asian country to another market in Asia or the Indian Ocean region. Commercialization and the creation of a global economy were intimately connected to new global circulation of silver from the Americas. Influenced by mercantilism, joint-stock companies were new methods used by European rulers to control their domestic and colonial economies and by European merchants to compete against one another in global trade. The Atlantic system involved the movement of goods, wealth, and free and unfree laborers, and the mixing of African, American, and European cultures and peoples.


10 European colonization of the Americas led to spread of diseases (smallpox, measles, influenza...) These were endemic in the Eastern Hemisphere among Amerindian populations Unintentional transfer of vermin, including rats and mosquitoes

11 The Columbian Exchange Plants, animals, and micro-organisms of Afroeurasia were exchanged with those of the Americas across the oceans.

12 Discovery of American foods o Potatoes o Maize o Manioc Cash crops o Tobacco o Sugar Domesticated animals o Horses o Pigs o Cattle Foods brought by African slaves o Okra o Rice Populations benefited nutritionally Physical environment affected through deforestation and soil depletion

13 Islam spread to new settings in Afro-Eurasia o Split between Sunni and Shi'a intensified o Sufi practices became more widespread Christianity continued to spread throughout the world o Increasingly diversified by the process of diffusion and the Reformation. Buddhism spread within Asia

14 Vodun in the Caribbean Vodun The cults of saints in Latin America Sikhism in South Asia Sikhism

15 Renaissance art in Europe Miniature paintings in the Middle East and South Asia Wood-block prints in Japan Post-conquest codices in Mesoamericacodices

16 Shakespeare Cervantes Sundiata Journey to the West Kabuki

17 Key Concept 4.2


19 Slavery in Africa continued both the traditional incorporation of slaves into households and the export of slaves to the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. The growth of the plantation economy increased the demand for slaves in the Americas.


21 Chattel slavery Chattel Indentured servitude Encomienda and hacienda systems Encomiendahacienda The Spanish adaptation of the Inca mit'amit'a

22 The Manchus in ChinaManchus Creole elites in Spanish America European gentry Urban commercial entrepreneurs in all major port cities in the world

23 Power of existing elites fluctuated as they confronted new challenges to their ability to affect the policies of the increasingly powerful monarchs and leaders. The zamindars in the Mughal Empire zamindars The nobility in Europe The daimyo in Japan daimyo

24 Demographic changes in Africa that resulted from slave trade Male population declined. Polygamy increased. The dependence of European men on Southeast Asian women for conducting trade in that region The smaller size of European families

25 Mestizo Mulatto Creole

26 Key Concept 4.3

27 Monumental architecture Urban design Courtly literature The visual arts

28 European notions of divine right Safavid use of Shiism Safavid Mexica or Aztec practice of human sacrifice Songhay promotion of Islam Chinese emperors' public performance of Confucian rituals

29 Ottoman treatment of non-Muslim subjects Manchu policies toward Chinese Spanish creation of a separate “República de Indios”República de Indios

30 Recruitment and use of ^ became more common among rulers who wanted to maintain centralized control over their populations and resources. Ottoman devshirmedevshirme Chinese examination system Salaried samurai Tribute collection and tax farming to generate revenue for territorial expansion

31 Europeans established new trading-post empires in Africa and Asia Proved profitable for the rulers and merchants involved in new global trade networks Affected power in the states in interior West and Central Africa



34 Omani-European rivalry in the Indian Ocean Piracy in the Carribean

35 Thirty Years War Ottoman-Safavid Conflict

36 Food riots Samurai revolts Peasant uprisings

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