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Integrating Skill in Unit 12 Read the fantasy story and write an ending to it. Compare your ending with your classmates.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Skill in Unit 12 Read the fantasy story and write an ending to it. Compare your ending with your classmates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Skill in Unit 12 Read the fantasy story and write an ending to it. Compare your ending with your classmates.

2 Fantasy stories Fantasy stories are about strange creatures and characters They are different from us and do things that would be impossible for us. Magic things can happen. The world in the book is not always like the real world. But they still tell something about the real world, such as Harry Potter.

3 Realistic stories Realistic stories are about real people just like us doing what we do. The world in the book is similar to the one we are living in. Some stories are told as if they were true.

4 The main characters are ________ and ______. When they looked at the statue with ______ eyes, they seemed to hear a noise which sounded like a woman _______.Tom suddenly remembered that the church had many secret rooms.He looked at the statue again. It looked ___ ___ the statue had moved.Then they decided to get _______ the wall.But to do that, they needed a password.At last they got the _______by chance and the statue moved to the side and the ______opened up …. Tom Pete red crying as if through password door

5 compare fantasy stories with realistic stories compare teachers to candles Compared to / with others, you are a lucky girl. whisper / say in a low voice say in a whisper / in whispers all of them not all of them / some of them

6 He was just about to say something when Pete turned around. I think I know a way in. a way out a way home a way to the station If only we were young forever. If only I had taken his advice. If only we could know answers.

7 a number of things that come one after another a series of part of a person ’ s face, above the eyes forehead a person who knows magic wizard animals or other living beings creatures

8 forehead fore- means in front of / in advance normal al- forms adj physical global national natural personal

9 romance romantic adventure adventurous magic magical power powerful stupidity stupid fun funny hunger hungry care careful anger angry danger dangerous

10 illness ill happiness happy music musical interest interesting worry worried/worrying surprise surprising/surprised value valuable use useful beauty beautiful Europe European

11 Russia Russian ability able

12 She wanted to go to college in another city,______________________________. (但她的父母最终让她上了当地的一所大学) ____________ (有些电视连续剧) are not good for children. Today more and more parents ___________ ___________________. (学着像朋友一样对 待孩子) ___________________ (皮特有麻烦时 ), his friend always helped him. but her parents finally made her go to a local one. Some TV series are learning to treat their children as friends When Pete was in trouble

13 ___________________ (猜猜我今天在镇上 碰到谁了) My primary school maths teacher. Although it may sound traditional, _________________________________. (但我并赞成让孩子为所欲为) Do you know the boy and the girl _______________________________. (在 图书馆低声说话的)? He was just about to say something ________________ (正在这时,海伦转过身 来) Guess whom I came across I don’t believe in letting children do whatever they like. who were whispering in the library when Helen turned around

14 _______________________ (你为什么说那 些蠢话)? She must be very angry now. _______________________________ ( 大家听着,我有事要宣布). On July 14 Michael and Kate will get married. Why did you say those stupid words Attention please! I have an announcement to make

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