USO Remote Orientation Business Case ZOÉ WALKER. As companies become more global, they need to orient new remote hires rises exponentially. According.

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1 USO Remote Orientation Business Case ZOÉ WALKER

2 As companies become more global, they need to orient new remote hires rises exponentially. According to Michael Fitzpatrick, CEO of “Our Remote Collaborative Worker Survey suggests there are significant benefits to be gained by both remote workers and their employers with off-site employees motivated to work harder and more efficiently to protect both the personal and professional benefits of working remotely.”

3 The Importance of Remote Orientation for a Remote Employee.

4 Remote employees, like any new employee of a company, need to be oriented. Especially remote employees. Importance of new employee orientation:  provides a more in-depth understanding of the company’s vision and mission  Instills company culture  Defines expectations of individual  Increases feelings of belonging and purpose

5 Analysis of USO Remote Orientation Pros  Modernized Interface  Crisp & Clean Images  In-depth Information  Cons  Impersonal  Tedious  Repeats information from basic training module

6 Content Analysis Please view supporting documents.

7 Remote Orientation Best Practices Research Findings  Optimum mix of online & off-line  Interactivity  Sense of community/culture  Communication  Teach it in steps  Keep them engaged  Get feedback

8 Remote Orientation Best Practices Research Findings Four major levers organizations can use to help new employees maximize their onboarding success.

9 Optimum Mix of Online & Off-line Given the nature of remote orientation, most remote orientation programs occur predominantly online. However, that can become extremely mundane for the remote employees. At USO, remote employees are required to sit through an extensive online presentation where they are looking at words on a screen and listening to a voice over speakers. Suggestion: Create a video of the Arlington headquarters. This video can either be personalized for each region or it can be a standard video where the remote employees receive a virtual tour of the office and the various departments from the comfort of their seats. This will be comforting and reassuring to them because they can put a face and voice to those individuals they will inevitably be interacting with online.

10 Interactivity This would encourage the remote employees to pro-actively engage with the organization. Suggestion: The interactive video is a way to heighten their interactivity levels. In the video, we will have everyone, from Jan to J.D. welcome the new employees. Also, we can have the different departments present their section via video. Example: For on- site orientation, Tammy came in and spoke to the new hires about USO Core Values. Let’s bring that life and personality to the videos. The current program does not promote or foster interactivity for new remote employees

11 Sense of Community/Culture Although remote employees are remote by definition, they are still apart of the USO family, and this should be conveyed as soon as they begin their job. Through the new interactive video, remote employees will feel as if they are apart of the USO family despite their geographical location. They would feel no different from someone who was actually onsite at Arlington for a training session or working at headquarters. This helps the new employee to see that USO is not just a standard non-profit, but one that actually cares about its mission and embodies its core values.

12 Communication It is important for remote employees to know that they are free to interact and ask questions whenever they feel the need to. Research has shown that employees who feel connected to the culture of their company/ organization they are willing to work harder because they feel as though they are making an impact. The current program is a one-way street when it comes to communication.

13 Teach it in Steps The best way to effectively teach large chucks of information is to break it up. The current program has imperative information that employees need to know but it is also a lot of information for an employee to absorb and retain. In the current program, remote employees have two sections that they must complete. Series 1 and 2. For example: Series 1 can be done via the interactive video session since that reviews USO values, policies, departments, etc. Series 2, can remain primarily online, since that reviews USO facts, programs, regions, etc.

14 Keep them Engaged The new remote employees have now been vetted, hired, oriented and are settling into their roles and USO. What’s next? You have to keep the employees engaged and motivated. Although the hiring managers at the different locations should be available to any inquiries of the employees at their locations, you do want them to feel connected to headquarters and know they can use you as a resource if needs be. Engagement Methods: Keep the lines of communication open Recognize accomplishments Improving their professional development

15 Get Feedback A survey resource, such as Survey Monkey, can be used to gather valuable data from both the new and old remote employees about their experience after the initial pilot is viewed so that necessary adjustments can be made to the format for future reference.

16 Limitations -Cost of initial production and maintenance. -Applying it to the different centers (DVD or web-download).

17 Alternative Suggestions Instead of a full virtual orientation video, we could:  Perform a webinar  Add pictures and voice- over of necessary personnel to current presentation  Using a blended approach combining: interactive video, current presentation, pictures and voice-overs.

18 Next Steps Analyze the content that is being disseminated and make necessary changes Choosing a format Monetizing changes to be made Implementing changes

19 Sample Videos   

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