24-25 September 2009Meeting of the European Directors of Social Statistics Update on Lifelong Learning and Education Systems statistics Agenda point 4.8.

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Presentation on theme: "24-25 September 2009Meeting of the European Directors of Social Statistics Update on Lifelong Learning and Education Systems statistics Agenda point 4.8."— Presentation transcript:

1 24-25 September 2009Meeting of the European Directors of Social Statistics Update on Lifelong Learning and Education Systems statistics Agenda point 4.8 Unit F4 ‘Education, Science and Culture Statistics’ – Lene Mejer lene.mejer@ec.europa.eu – Sylvain Jouhettesylvain.jouhette@ec.europa.eu

2 24-25 September 2009 Meeting of the Directors of Social Statistics 1. ISCED Review 2. Commission Regulation as regards statistics on Education and training systems 3. Overall strategy on lifelong learning statistics 4. Impact on Labour Force Survey (education variables), Continuous Vocational Training Survey and the Adult Education Survey

3 24-25 September 2009 Meeting of the Directors of Social Statistics Started at the end of 2007 and should be approved at UNESCO’s General Conference, autumn 2011 UNESCO’s statistical institute (UIS) in charge with active participation of Eurostat (ISCED Technical Advisory Group) Eurostat involvement to follow up on the introduction of the Bologna structures in Europe, to clarify use of ISCED level 4 (post-secondary education), to prepare guidelines for defintion of educational attainment (elaborated with OECD network on education outcomes) and to look at scope of education (Classification of Learning Activities) To be followed up by implementation issues. 1. ISCED Review

4 24-25 September 2009 Meeting of the Directors of Social Statistics Proposed Commission regulation: 3rd consultation summer 2009. Basis: the existing UOE (UNESCO, OECD and Eurostat) data collection on enrolments, entrants, personnel, class size, education expenditure, language learning etc. No new data collection but consolidation of existing one. Quality reporting framework. Co-operation with OECD and UNESCO taken into account: UOE manuals reference for concepts, definitions and practical guidelines. Applicable for 2012 for countries to adapt their systems (in particular to some specific areas as student mobility data). 2. Statistics on Education and Training Systems

5 24-25 September 2009 Meeting of the Directors of Social Statistics Review of the two historical sample surveys providing results on participation in education and training. -Revision of implementing act for the 2010 CVTS -Possible revision of implementing act for the LFS (2013/2014 with tests before – to improve quality and comparability) -Coherence with the 2011-2012 AES implementing act. Context: structural indicator (target: 12.5% by 2010) used in: -Open method of coordination in the domain of education and training (Standing Group on Indicators and Benchmarks) - benchmarks and core indicators ("Education and Training 2010“) -Employment guidelines (Employment Committee Indicators Group) 3. Lifelong learning statistics: overall strategy

6 24-25 September 2009 Meeting of the Directors of Social Statistics 3. Lifelong learning: overall strategy (cont.) Surveys on participation in education and training: SurveyMain useReference period AESProvides detailed information on the participation of individuals in education and training activities 12 months LFSProvides annual evolutions for a limited set of indicators (structural indicator 'lifelong learning') 4 weeks CVTSFocus on enterprise strategies for employee skill developments 12 months

7 24-25 September 2009 Meeting of the Directors of Social Statistics Distinction formal education and non-formal education and training -Minor impact Improvement of coverage of non-formal education and training activities -Questions on different types of non-formal education and training activities  In line with the CLA, improve coherence between the AES and the LFS, improve the comparability among countries. Reference periods: 4 weeks or 12 months -3 months using LFS rotation pattern or other alternatives to be tested (medium/long term, including combinations of survey results)  Needs & overall burden/cost versus more frequent AES Reduction of the scope of the LFS variables on education and training -Variables characterising the participation in the LFS (e.g. fields of the education and training in the last 4 weeks) -  Assessment of complementarities with AES. 4. Impact on the LFS: tests in 2010-2011

8 24-25 September 2009 Meeting of the Directors of Social Statistics Simplification of the CVTS questionnaire –Delete what is collected by the AES and which does not need to be crossed with other results at micro data level: * mostly age and many sex breakdowns * disadvantaged groups (via LFS modules and core) –Coherence with AES/CLA: limited to few label adaptations –Other simplifications: hours of training, IVT costs –No occupational groups as proposed in the summer consultation Few additional questions on skill needs –Communication of the Commission on 'new skills for new jobs‘ –Restriction from the summer proposal to 3 new variables only –In line with the adaptation of the survey towards enterprise strategies. NACE Rev 2 –Optional extension to sectors L, M, and N in NACE Rev 1 = O, P, and Q in NACE Rev 2 although highly relevant for CVTS results –Validation of stratification groups in NACE Rev 2 required by all NSIs 4. Impact on the CVTS Commission Regulation

9 24-25 September 2009 Meeting of the Directors of Social Statistics Field work and reference period -Half of MSs will make the survey at the end of 2011; the other half at the beginning of 2012 (reference period 12 months prior to survey date). Core age group: 25-64 -optional extension of the survey to individuals aged 18-24 and 65-69 Common questionnaire and manual -Being developed at the moment Annexes -Variable list, precision requirements and quality reporting framework 4. AES Commission Regulation

10 24-25 September 2009 Meeting of the Directors of Social Statistics Background variables -Minor suggestions on modifications on marital status and de facto marital status (new variables) and on main current labour status -Discussions on household variables and income variables. Exclusion of some secondary variables e.g. 2 nd job, situation one year before Participation in formal, non-formal or informal activities -Minor suggestions or modifications on the variables on participation, number of activities, reasons for participation and sponsorship, obstacles to participation, outcome and use of acquired education and training; -Discussions on computer or internet use or distance education, volume of instruction hours, classification of activities (job related, guided on the job training). Selection of activities for detailed information, certification, volume of instruction hours, tuition/registration/exam fees (and related expenditure), place of the activity (abroad) -General support for questions on informal learning activities with suggestions Coherence ensured with CVTS (and LFS) 4. Impact on the AES Commission Regulation (cont.)

11 24-25 September 2009 Meeting of the Directors of Social Statistics 4. LFS, AES, CVTS: timetable Timing for a draft AES and CVTS4 Commission Regulation: -European Statistical System Committee: May 2010 -Two consultations of all Member States (Sept 2009 ETS WG + written consultation in Dec 2009) - 1 last meeting of the Task Force in November 2009 for each survey - Other aspects discussed in parallel: 4 th TF meeting in the first half of 2010. Timing for the LFS - Tests at the same time as the implementation stage of the AES - One TF meeting in October 2009, LAMAS WG in December 2009 - For discussion in 2012 and implementation in….2014

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