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Introduction to Muscles & Muscles of the Skull & Neck

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1 Introduction to Muscles & Muscles of the Skull & Neck

2 Muscle Facts A person has about 600 muscles in their body
Those muscles account for about ½ of a person’s body weight The heart beats about 3 billion times in the average person’s lifetime

3 Functions of Muscles Maintain Body Posture Stabilize Joints
Produce Movement Generate Heat

4 Muscles Two Kinds of Muscles Voluntary Involuntary
You control the muscle when you want it to move Involuntary Muscles move without you telling it to

5 3 Types of Muscles Skeletal Muscles Also called striated muscles
Muscles of the arms, legs, etc. Voluntary muscles

6 Skeletal Muscle

7 Types of Muscles Smooth Muscles Muscles of internal organs
Involuntary muscles

8 Smooth Muscle

9 Types of Muscles Cardiac Muscles Muscles of the heart
Involuntary muscles

10 Cardiac Muscles

11 Three Types of Muscle

12 Skeletal Muscles Slow-Twitch Muscles Fast-Twitch Muscles
Also called red muscles, because of dense number of capillaries Carries a lot of oxygen, making them extremely useful for aerobic exercise Fast-Twitch Muscles Called white muscles Used primarily in anaerobic exercise

13 Muscles During Exercise
Slow-Twitch Muscles Long, low levels of exercise Consume a mixture of fats, protein, and carbohydrates Consume large amounts of oxygen and produces little lactic acid

14 Muscles During Exercise
Fast-Twitch Muscles Relies primarily on ATP and glucose for fuel Consumes very little oxygen, fat, or protein and produces large amounts of lactic acid Can not be sustained as long as aerobic exercise

15 Quiz Name 1 of the 4 functions of muscle.
Name a second function of muscle. What is the kind of muscle that works without you having to tell it to? What is the type of muscle that is found in the heart? What is type of skeletal muscle used in aerobic exercise?

16 Quiz Answers Name 1 of the 4 functions of muscle.
Name a second function of muscle. Maintain Body Posture Stabilize Joints Produce Movement Generate Heat What is the kind of muscle that works without you having to tell it to? Involuntary What is the type of muscle that is found in the heart? Cardiac What is type of skeletal muscle used in aerobic exercise? Slow-Twitch Muscle

17 Structure of the Muscle
Belly Body of the muscle Tendons Ends of the muscles that attach to the bone Muscles are arranged in pairs One muscle bends the joint, another straightens Flexors Extensors


19 Ligaments Short, bands of fibrous tissues
Connect bone to bone and form a joint

20 Muscle Attachment Origin Insertion
End of the muscle that is attached to the bone to form stationary attachment Acts as an anchoring point Insertion The point where the muscle is attached The movable bone

21 Muscles of the Skull Temporalis – anchored at the temple
Masseter – anchored at the cheek bone These muscles move the lower jaw

22 Muscles of the Neck Sternocleidomastoid (Neck Cord)
Anchored to the clavicle and top of the sternum Turns and lifts the head Sternomastoid

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