The Constitution: The 3 Branches of Government Review Questions for the quiz. This should tell you how much you will need to study for the quiz tomorrow.

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Presentation on theme: "The Constitution: The 3 Branches of Government Review Questions for the quiz. This should tell you how much you will need to study for the quiz tomorrow."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Constitution: The 3 Branches of Government Review Questions for the quiz. This should tell you how much you will need to study for the quiz tomorrow. Pay attention!!!

2 Branches and Powers Who makes the tax laws? Settling the disputes between the states is the job of which branch? Who approve or vetoes laws? Who make treaties? Who approves the treaties? Who make sure the treaties are just and legal? Who tries the impeachment?

3 Branches and Powers Who declares laws unconstitutional? Who declares war? Who settles disputes involving the United States? Who proposes and passes amendments with 2/3 vote? Who can override a veto with a 2/3 majority vote in both houses? Who makes treaties? Who preside over impeachment trials?

4 Common Name/Proper Name The common name for the Executive Branch. The proper name for the Supreme Court. The proper name for Congress. What are the two parts that make up Congress? The common name for the Judicial Branch.

5 Terms What does veto mean? What term means to remove from office?? What is an override? Who is the Commander-in-Chief? What is the title given to the head of the Supreme Court? What is the cabinet?

6 Numbers in the Constitution How old must a Senator be? How old do you have to be to become a representative in the House? The minimum age of a president is ________. The president serves a _____ year term. How many members are in the Senate? The total number of House of Representatives is __________.

7 Numbers in the Constitution Senators serve _____ year terms. How many representatives does each state get in the Senate? How many Supreme Court Judges are there? How many years must you have been a citizen in order to become a Senator? How many years must you have been a citizen in order to become a House of Representatives Member?

8 Misc. Who must be a natural born citizen to run for this office? What is the name given to the part of the Constitution that allows Congress to expand its responsibilities? Who must live in the states that the represent?

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