Ratifying the Constitution Chapter 2 Section 5. The Fight for Ratification  “The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for.

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1 Ratifying the Constitution Chapter 2 Section 5

2 The Fight for Ratification  “The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the establishment of the Constitution between the States to ratifying the same.”  Article VII  Constitution was debated vigorously and two groups emerged for and against ratification:  Federalists  Anti-Federalists

3 The Federalists  Favored ratification  James Madison and Alexander Hamilton  Stressed the weakness of the Articles  Need for stronger central government.  Difficulties facing the Republic could be overcome only by the creation of a new gov’t based on the Constitution.  Wrote ideas in the Federalist Papers.

4 The Anti-Federalists  Opposed ratification  Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, John Hancock and Samuel Adams  Attacked nearly every part of Constitution.  Objected to the ratification process.  Worried that the President would become a monarchy and that Congress would be too powerful.  **Main problem was that there was not a Bill of Rights.**  Federalists promised to add one once ratified.


6 Ratification  Delaware was the first to approve the Constitution on December 7, 1787.  On June 21, 1788 NH brought the number of states ratifying the constitution to nine.  Article VII stated that only 9 states needed to ratify for it to go into effect.  This did not happen b/c VA nor NY had ratified.  Gov’t had no hope to succeed w/o these two states ratifying.


8 Virginia and New York Ratify  Virginia  Ratified four days after NH.  George Washington’s support of ratification was vital.  W/ Madison, they convinced TJ to support.  New York  Ratifying convention was bitterly divided.  Largely won by Alexander Hamilton  11 th state to ratify

9 Inauguration  September 13, 1788  the Congress of the Confederation authorized the first national election and declared New York the temporary national capital.  March 4, 1789  The new Congress convened for the first time in NYC.  April 6, 1789  Washington was elected president by a unanimous vote.  John Adams was elected Vice President.  April 30, 1789  GW takes the oath of office as the 1 st President of the United States


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