Functionalism Development and Founding. Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) Survival of the Fittest Social Darwinism Synthetic Philosophy-the idea that knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Functionalism Development and Founding. Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) Survival of the Fittest Social Darwinism Synthetic Philosophy-the idea that knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Functionalism Development and Founding

2 Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) Survival of the Fittest Social Darwinism Synthetic Philosophy-the idea that knowledge and experience can be explained in terms of evolutionary principles

3 William James (1842- 1910) Probably the second most well known historical figure in psychology Neurasthenia Principles of Psychology Hugo Munsterberg

4 William James (Continued) Stream of Consciousness-Continuous and personal to the individual. It cannot be divided up for analysis. Stream of Consciousness-Continuous and personal to the individual. It cannot be divided up for analysis. Pragmatism: validity of ideas is measured by their practical consequences Pragmatism: validity of ideas is measured by their practical consequences

5 James’ Theory of Emotions Pre-James Pre-James I am scared -------  I run James James I run ----  I am scared

6 James’ Idea of Self Material Self (body, family, all things owned) Material Self (body, family, all things owned) Social Self (self known by others) Social Self (self known by others) Spiritual Self (states of consciousness, one’s own objective reality) Spiritual Self (states of consciousness, one’s own objective reality)

7 Habit  An idea of an action precedes the causes of the action. Habits are formed when an activity is repeated.

8 Women in the Field Variability hypothesis: The notion that men show a wider range and variation of physical and mental development than women; the abilities of women are seen as more average.

9 Mary Whiton Calkins (1863-1930) Helen Bradford Thompson (1874-1947) Leta Stetter Hollingworth (1886-1939):

10 Granville Stanley Hall AKA G. Stanley Hall Organized the first psychology laboratory in the United States Founded the first psychology journal Helped organize and was the first president of the American Psychological Association Organized a meeting of European psychoanalysis, giving American Psychology its first look at psychoanalysis.

11 Recapitulation Theory Recapitulation Theory: Hall’s idea that the psychological development of children repeats the history of the human race.

12 The Chicago School  John Dewey (1859-1952)  James Rowland Angell (1869-1949)  Harvey Carr (1873-1954)

13 Reflex Arc The connection between sensory stimuli and motor responses. The concept proposes that three elements of the reflex  Sensory processes  Brain processes  Motor response

14 Angell’s Perspective  Functional psychology is interested in mental operations, not conscious elements  Mental processes mediate between the needs of the organism and the environments. Mental Functions help the organism survive.  Mind and Body cannot be separated, they act as a unit in an organism’s struggle for survival.

15 Robert Sessions Woodworth (1869- 1962) Dynamic Psychology: Woodworth’s systems of psychology which was interested in the causal factors and motivations on feelings and behavior.

16 Criticisms of Functionalism Is there a real definition somewhere? Is it real psychology? Structuralists say no. It’s not practical (but guess who said that?)

17 Good things about Functionalism  Animal Psychology  Incorporates all types of research  Considered truly American

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