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A Parent’s Guide To the Flipped Classroom Rachel Nixon.

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Presentation on theme: "A Parent’s Guide To the Flipped Classroom Rachel Nixon."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Parent’s Guide To the Flipped Classroom Rachel Nixon

2 Goals / Objectives  Introduction to flipped classroom concept  Flipping at Yorktown Community Schools  Benefits / drawbacks to flipping?  Advice from flipping teachers  Opportunity to ask questions – such as??

3 Introductions  Rachel Nixon – science teacher at Yorktown High School (YHS)  4 th year at YHS  4 years at Cowan Jr./Sr. High School  2 years at Ivy Tech  Physical Therapist for 15 years  Mom to 10, 5 & 3 year-old daughters

4 What is a flipped classroom?

5 Intro to Flipped Classroom  Sal Khan – TedEd Talk regarding Khan Academy Sal Khan  Flipped – several teachers attempt to define “flipped learning” Flipped


7 Pacing in the Flipped Classroom  Traditional Flip  All students are on the same content at the same time – for example – watching the same video for homework every night..  Flipped Mastery  Students are allowed to move through the content at their own pace with certain deadlines for tests/units, etc.

8 Classes being flipped in YCS  Kindergarten – math / language arts  Fifth grade – social studies  YMS – science & math classes  YHS – chemistry, AP chemistry, AP biology, AP statistics, Spanish II, III & IV, Economics, ICP (portions), Anatomy & physiology (portions)

9 Evidence Required by teachers  Video Quizzes  Video Response forms & pop quizzes  Note Guides  Multiple choice questions  Digital notebook  Ability for students to answer questions  Google form responses

10 Why the flipped class? – more face to face time

11 What do my students say?  Resistant to change at first  Once they learn it, most of them prefer it to the “traditional” lecture presentation  My Student’s perspective My Student’s perspective



14 Student complaints about flipping  Not able to ask questions “immediately”  “Different from what I have done before, so I do not like it  ”  “It forces me to think outside of class”

15 Things teachers like about flipping  Students engage with lecture more without distraction from their peers  Takes away boredom in class and frees up time for other activities  No more “stand and deliver” – quickly discuss topic/video and students move onto lab or activity  Parents have more awareness of material covered in class  Homework is reasonable/achievable

16 Things teachers like about flipping cont’d  Puts ownership for learning with students  Class time is devoted to students applying knowledge and correcting student misunderstandings  Allows for more opportunities to work with struggling learners in the classroom  Allows for more face to face time with students to ask questions and check for understanding  Students helping other students – collaborative learning

17 Advice for parents.. from teachers  Flipping allows students more time to work with the teacher on topics that students tend to struggle with the most  Videos are not optional – they are replacing traditional lecture and are required homework  Parents need to encourage their children to turn off distractions when watching the videos  Watch video in a quiet area of the house with headphones, no interruptions

18 Advice for parents cont’d  Just because we (parents) did not learn this way, does not mean it is a bad thing  Do not be afraid of the technology – there are lots of ways to access the videos (DVD’s, flash drives, etc.) – ask us if you are having issues  It provides parents an opportunity to work with their child and share in their learning (in a non-threatening way)  Please read info sent home by teachers and ask questions!!

19 Any Questions???

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