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Jehoachaz son of Jehu, King of Israel BCE

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1 Jehoachaz son of Jehu, King of Israel 818- 802 BCE
Aram Damascus Jehoachaz of Israel Return of Assyrians Jehoachaz son of Jehu, King of Israel BCE

2 Aram-Damascus Jehoachaz and Jehoash
Jehoachaz ruled Israel during the second half of the reign of Jehoash of Judah Aram-Damascus attacks Judah and Israel Hazael takes the coast to Gath one of the cities of the Philistines Aram already controlled the Transjordan Aram now controls both trade routes directly After taking the coast he turned to Jerusalem Jehoash paid a heavy tribute to Hazael Aram-Damascus

3 Jehoachaz of Israel Teshuvah of Jehoachaz
Jehoachaz, King of Israel followed the sins of Jeroboam ben Nebat Israel was oppressed by Hazael and his son Ben- Hadad of Damascus Jehoachaz prayed to Hashem who sent him a "מושיע" “savior” This was his son Jehoash, King of Israel Jehoachaz’s Teshuvah Jehoachaz of Israel

4 Return of the Assyrians
Adad-Nirari III BCE He began to campaign in Southern Syria in about 802 BCE He attacked Aram- Damascus and by 796 found an inscription states that he received tribute from Hadadezer from Damascus, Jehoash of Samaria, and the Tyrians and the Sidonians Adad-Nirari III Return of the Assyrians

5 Jehoash son of Jehoachaz, King of Israel BCE Amaziah son of Jehoash, King of Judah BCE

6 Revenge on Aram-Damascus
Independent Campaigns Israel attacks Aram- Damascus and defeats them twice Israel retakes Transjordan Judah attacks Aram’s ally Edom and takes their land Revenge on Aram-Damascus

7 Civil War Amaziah’s Mistake Then Amaziah attacks Jehoash
Jehoash turns and attacks Judah they meet at Beth-Shemesh and Israel defeats Judah and takes Amaziah prisoner Israel then attacked Jerusalem destroys the north wall and takes the Beis Hamikdash’s treasure Judah becomes a vassal of Israel just like during the Omride era After the disastrous loss to Israel there was a conspiracy against Amaziah who fled to Lachish and was killed there The people chose Azariah, Amaziah’s son to rule after him Civil War

8 The Era of Jeroboam Ii of Israel & Azariah of Judah Forty Years of Peace and prosperity 787-748 BCE

9 Political Situation Israel’s Neighbors
Aram-Damascus has been left weak and defeated by the Assyrian attacks of Adad-Nirari III followed by the attacks of Israel under Jehoash of Israel Assyria became entangled in internal conflicts Assyria also faced trouble from the expanding Urartu Urartu expansion reached its height around 735 BCE which coincides with the reign of Jeroboam II and Azariah Political Situation

10 Jeroboam II 787-748 BCE Different Lifestyles
Jeroboam II restored the borders from Lebo Hamath in north Syria to the Dead Sea The two trade routes pass through Israelite territory which brings wealth in trade and tax collection to Israel Judah benefitted some but is a vassal to the Israel Building Expansion of existing settlements Refurbishing cities with new fortifications More city planning Expansion of towns and villages Luxury Items Many luxury items found in this strata Carved ivory – shows control of trade between Egypt and Phoenicia Amos Was the prophet in Israel during this period He criticized the rich for oppressing the poor He depicts the rich as vain and arrogant interested only in their pursuit of money and pleasure Jeroboam II BCE

11 Azariah (Uzziah) 783-732 BCE Wars of Expansion
Azariah built up Judah’s army This must have been with Jeroboam’s approval Azariah attacked the Philistines defeated them and built Ashdod and other cities in Philistia to control the Via Maris Azariah attacked the Negev and built forts there It helped expand Judah’s agricultural land They also helped control the King’s Highway Recovered the Port of Elat from Edom and rebuilt it Azariah (Uzziah) BCE

12 Azariah (Uzziah) 783-732 BCE & Jotham
Tzaraas צרעת According to Divrei Hayamin Azariah wanted to bring קטורת incense in the Beis Hamikdash As he did he was struck with צרעת on his forehead At the same time a terrible earthquake As a Metzorah Azariah could not function as King and so his son and then grandson ruled while he was still alive Jotham BCE Defeated the Ammonites Constructed parts of the wall of Jerusalem Fortified the country Probably concerned about an invasion from Aram Ahaz BCE as regent for Azariah and BCE alone (will have his own slide) Azariah (Uzziah) BCE & Jotham

13 End of Israel Last days of Jeroboam Zechariah Shallum 747 Menachem Pekahia Pekah Hoshea

14 Zecharia, Shallum & Menachem
Quick Succession The final years of Jeroboam II were a period of economic decline for Israel Judah expanded into Ammon and Edom in Transjordan and into Philistia After Jeroboam’s death Judah’s power increases Gains practical control over Israel Jeroboam’s son Zachariah takes over and is kill six months later Shallum from Jabesh Gilead assassinates Zachariah and becomes king for one month Before being killed by Menachem who not only killed Shallum’s family but many people in the city Zecharia, Shallum & Menachem

15 Tiglath-Pileser III745-727 BCE
Resurgent Assyria 743 BCE attacked and defeated the Urartu 740 BCE defeated Arpad a state which controlled northern Syria Once Arpad fell this led to the capitulation of most northern and central Syria 738 BCE reached the Mediterranean Receives tribute of Rezin of Damascus, and Menachem of Israel Tiglath-Pileser III BCE

16 Menachem747-738 & Pekahia 738-737 Assyrian Vassal
Menachem paid tribute to Assyria to keep from being attacked Judah was in control of the trade routes and was stronger than Israel by this time Israel did not receive any income from the trade routs but needed to pay a high tribute to Assyria This led to very high taxes Pekahiah was killed by an anti- Assyrian coup by those who were upset by the taxes The coup was supported by Rezin King of Damascus to get an ally against Assyria Pekah ben Remalyahu became king Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum a Seculo Hominum is a collection of short biographies of historical figures with fanciful portraits in the form of coins, published by Guillaume Rouillé (1518?-1589) in Lyon in 1553 Menachem & Pekahia

17 Achaz of Judah735-727 BCE & Pekah of Israel 737-732 BCE

18 Aram allies with Israel
The Shlomo Moussaieff Collection, London/Illustration from Robert Deutsch, Messages from the Past Bulla of King Ahaz. “Belonging to Ahaz (son of) Jotham, King of Judah,” reads the Hebrew inscription impressed onto this bulla (lump of clay), which was originally used to secure a papyrus scroll. Ancient bullae and seals are not uncommon, but this is one of the first that can be attributed to a Hebrew king: Ahaz, who ruled over Judah from 735 to 727 B.C.E. Joint Attack Pekah and Rezin were trying to get Judah to join the anti-Assyrian coalition forming to hold off Tiglath- pileser Aram and Israel begin to attack Judah to intimidate Judah They began their attacks on Judah during the reign of Jotham The Shlomo Moussaieff Collection, London/Illustration from Robert Deutsch, Messages from the Past Bulla of King Ahaz. “Belonging to Ahaz (son of) Jotham, King of Judah,” reads the Hebrew inscription impressed onto this bulla (lump of clay), which was originally used to secure a papyrus scroll. Ancient bullae and seals are not uncommon, but this is one of the first that can be attributed to a Hebrew king: Ahaz, who ruled over Judah from 735 to 727 B.C.E. Aram allies with Israel

19 Aram-Damascus Falls to Assyria
Tiglath-pileser’s Syrian Campaign of First he put down the last resistance of the Urartu and the Medes Then he moved Assyria’s army to defeat Aram-Damascus and its allies The Navi (2 Kings 16:5-9) tells us that Tiglath-pileser attacked Rezin in Damascus in response to a request of Achaz of Judah This shows that rather than begin intimidated to join the anti-Assyrian coalition Achaz was intimidated enough to bribe Assyria to help Judah and become Assyria’s vassal Aram-Damascus Falls to Assyria

20 Aram-Damascus Falls to Assyria
Tiglath-pileser’s Syrian Campaign of Tiglath-pileser attacked and defeated the coalition starting with the minor states involved Ashkelon, Gaza, Tyre He took over the Mediterranean coast of Israel as well as Edom, Moab, and Ammon Damascus was put under siege in 733 until 732 when it surrenders and Damascus is incorporated into the Assyrian Empire and Rezin assassinated At the same time Tiglath-pileser attacks northern Israel and takes 13,520 prisoners to exile Aram-Damascus Falls to Assyria

21 Hoshea son of Elah Last King of Israel 732-722 BCE

22 Cause for Assassination
Assyria takes away most of the territory of the kingdom of Israel It is only a tiny state in the Ephraim Highlands Transjordan, the coast, Galilee and Jezreel valley were taken Assyria now controls the Via Maris but since the states of Ammon, Moab, and Edom remain independent Assyria does not directly control the Kings Highway Due to the losses Pekah is assassinated by Hoshea son of Elah Hoshea makes peace with Tiglath- pileser A Roman Map Of Israel but the red area depicts the size of the Kingdom of Israel during the time of Hoshea ben Elah Hoshea son of Elah

23 Shalmaneser V Hoshea removed the guards and allowed the people of Israel to go to Jerusalem for Aliya Le’regel The people did not go and Hashem decided that Israel needed to be destroyed While Hoshea was loyal to Tiglath- pileser there was a rebellion against his successor Shalmaneser It was led by Tyre Shalmaneser put Tyre under siege in 725 BCE for five years It seems that Hoshea paid tribute at the beginning of the campaign He appealed to Egypt for aid against Assyria Hoshea was captured by Shalmaneser and put in jail Hoshea

24 The End Siege of Samaria
Shalmaneser V put Samaria under siege for three years Shalmaneser died and was replaced by Sargon II Sargon claims credit for capturing Samaria But the Babylonian Chronicle backs up the Navi which says that Shalmaneser was the one who took Samaria Sargon was forced to return to put down a rebellion of the king of Gaza Gaza was supported by Egypt and Assyria defeated them and exacted tribute from Egypt Assyria also started mass deportation of the people of Israel The End

25 King of Judah Reign King of Israel Reheboam 930-913 Jeroboam I 930-908
Abijah Nadab Asa Baasha Jehoshaphat Elah Jehoram Zimri 883 Ahaziah 841 Omri Athaliah Ahab Jehoash Amaziah Azariah (Uzziah) Jehu Jotham Jehoachaz Ahaz Hezekiah Jeroboam II Manasseh Zechariah Amon Shallum 747 Josiah Manahem 609 Pekakiah Jehoiakim Pekah Jehoiachin Hoshea Zedekiah

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