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The Cold War 1945-1989. What is the Cold War? The Cold War was a strategic and political struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union. The.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War 1945-1989. What is the Cold War? The Cold War was a strategic and political struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War 1945-1989

2 What is the Cold War? The Cold War was a strategic and political struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Cold War was a “war with no bullets”.

3 Beginning and End The Cold War began in 1945 at the end of WWII Started as a battle for power over war-torn Europe between communists and capitalists Germany and its capital, Berlin, were divided – Berlin wall Threat of nuclear attacks started an arms race between US and Soviets The Cold War ended in 1989 Ended when East and West Germans tore down the Berlin Wall Soviet leader Gorbachev met with US Presidents Reagan and Bush to begin repairing relations between the two countries Communism ends in Russia

4 The Berlin Wall wall/videos/deconstructing-history-berlin-wall

5 Cold War Events: Anti-Communism Fear of communism spread through the United States in the 40s and 50s Supported by actions of the government and the FBI Congress: House Committee on Un-American Activities – Hollywood: members of the film industry investigated for communist activities in 1947 – 10 people sent to prison – Hundreds “Blacklisted” and unable to find work

6 Cold War Events: Anti-Communism Red Scare and Witch Hunts Leaders in Congress accused people of being a communist Sen. Joseph McCarthy claimed to have lists of communists in the government and military – Used the “list” to blackmail people – The Rosenbergs – Couple convicted of selling secrets to the Soviet Union – Sentenced to death for espionage – 1 st civilians to be executed for espionage during peacetime

7 Senator Joseph McCarthy and the Rosenburgs

8 The Korean Conflict Japan had controlled the Korean peninsula many years prior to WWII. With Japan’s defeat in WWII, Korea was divided at the 38 th Parallel into North Korea (communist) and South Korea (democratic). In June 1950, with the backing of the Chinese and Soviet Communists, North Korea invaded South Korea—the United Nations (and therefore the US) got involved… war#sherman-pratt-survives-the-korean-war war#sherman-pratt-survives-the-korean-war

9 Korean Conflict After 3 years of fighting, the conflict ended in July of 1953 with no side holding a clear advantage—North and South Korea still remain divided at the 38 th parallel to this day.

10 Legacy of the Korean Conflict The US learned that China had a strong military following the Communist takeover by Mao in 1949. This was in a larger sense a war between the Soviets and Americans, between Communism and Democracy/Capitalism. History can decide the winner — would most people want to live in North or South Korea today??????

11 The Space Race Both the US and the USSR developed nuclear weapons. People built bomb shelters as both nations worried about nuclear war. October 4, 1957: Soviets launched Sputnik, the world’s first satellite. In 1961, the Soviets were first to launch a man in to space. On July 11, 1969, the US finally pulled ahead in the space race by being the first to land on the moon (Neil Armstrong).

12 Apollo 11: United States lands on the moon front#space-race-cold-war-front

13 John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address

14 Camelot John F. Kennedy is elected president in 1960 – Senator from Massachusetts Youngest president Glamorous Wife was Jackie, children Caroline and John-John – Jackie set fashions for the time Popularity ratings as high as 77% Strong supporter of Civil Rights Movement

15 Kennedy Assassination Kennedy went to Dallas, TX to rally support for the Democratic Party Had concerns about anti-Kennedy citizens in TX, but did not take all security precautions Shot while riding in a motorcade parade, Nov. 22, 1963 assassinated assassinated

16 Kennedy Assassination and Funeral

17 Johnson Sworn in as President on Air Force One in Dallas

18 Kennedy Assassination, con’t Shot by a lone assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, who had communist sympathies Lee Harvey Oswald was murdered two days later outside police headquarters by Jack Ruby (Who owned a Dallas nightclub with mafia connections) Assassination investigated by a Congressional committee who produced the Warren Report, concluding that Oswald had acted alone Nation mourned with a massive state funeral that copied the one held for Lincoln


20 Cuba Fidel Castro, a communist revolutionary, came to power in 1959 and nationalized Cuba. Castro’s government was embraced by the USSR and put under a trade embargo by the United States. Several CIA campaigns were launched to try to overthrow Castro’s government – none were successful.

21 Bay of Pigs CIA agents secretly trained exiled Cubans to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro American bombers led the way disguised as Cuban air force Plans were discovered and Kennedy abandoned the plan for further attack Exiled Cuban forces were left to fend for themselves and were soon captured and executed pigs-cias-perfect-failure?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false

22 Cuban Missile Crisis - 1962 USSR built missile silos in Cuba and began stocking them with nuclear warheads – Enabled surprise Soviet attack less than 100 miles from the coast of the US Silos discovered by US reconnaissance planes US Navy attempted to stop and search all ships headed for Cuba to prevent further build-up Kennedy announced the plans on television – Wave of panic swept through the United States Krushchev (Soviet leader) agreed to turn back the ships and disarm Cuba if the US promised to never invade the island

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