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Peer to peer networks. Peer to peer is when digital devices communicate wirelessly with each others without the need for a transmitter. Wi-Fi Direct 1-

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Presentation on theme: "Peer to peer networks. Peer to peer is when digital devices communicate wirelessly with each others without the need for a transmitter. Wi-Fi Direct 1-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer to peer networks

2 Peer to peer is when digital devices communicate wirelessly with each others without the need for a transmitter. Wi-Fi Direct 1- set up peer to peer networks 2- use an access point for normal Wi-Fi use

3 Bluetooth: is a peer to peer network Allows devices to communicate automatically within range Can connect up to 8 devices in the same time Low power so dose not interfere with other devices

4 Q1- Why Bluetooth rather than traditional Wi- Fi is used for communication between a mobile phone and a headset for hands-free phone calls. Q2- Give two reasons to why Bluetooth is not used to network devices in a large office.

5 Communication protocols The rules the devices must follow when they communicating with each other.

6 The rules are VoIP, POP, IMAP and SMTP Voice over internet protocoled is the set of rules for transmitting audio messages over the internet. To make free voice calls from your computer, smart phone and with video calls. POP3, IMAP and SMTP used when sending and receiving emails

7 SMTP: simple mail transfer protocol When email is sent from the sender’s email client to the sender server to notify of the receipt of email by the receiver. POP to download email from the server to the computer and make it ready to read by the receiver even when is offline IMAP Internet message Access Protocol email can be accessed from any where any computer when there is internet connection.

8 Q1-Layla would like to use VoIP on her netbook to keep in touch with her cousin in Canada. State two pieces of equipment she will need to male calls. Q2- Most of Layla’s friends have computers at home. She finds they she cannot use VoIP to call some of them. Give one possible reason for this

9 Q3- John’s email account uses the POP protocol. Describe how the POP protocol is different from IMAP when retrieving an email

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