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Intermolecular Forces The Sirens of Science Jane FunderburkBecky HinnefeldPam Kahn.

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Presentation on theme: "Intermolecular Forces The Sirens of Science Jane FunderburkBecky HinnefeldPam Kahn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intermolecular Forces The Sirens of Science Jane FunderburkBecky HinnefeldPam Kahn

2 Intermolecular Forces Jane Funderburk Archbishop Williams H.S. Pam Kahn Cranston West H.S. Rebecca Hinnefeld Oakwood H.S.

3 Intermolecular Forces The interplay of attractive and repulsive forces between gas particles dictates macroscopic particle behavior

4 Intermolecular Forces There is no ‘wet lab’ that allows students to observe the effect of intermolecular forces on particles. Therefore teachers introduce intermolecular forces by using direct instruction supplemented with charts and graphs.

5 Intermolecular Forces Simulab 12 provides a hands on activity that allows students to see the interplay of intermolecular forces, particle behavior and energy changes as a function of varying particle distance. The optional extension allows students to explore the effects of changing system temperature.

6 Intermolecular Forces Intended Audience Secondary science courses that cover matter: Chemistry Physical Science

7 Intermolecular Forces Adjustments/Adaptations General Chemistry None needed Higher level Chemistry Extension activity Physical Science None needed

8 Intermolecular Forces Placement in the Curriculum Chemistry Bonding States of Matter Gas Laws Physical Science Forces Bonding

9 Intermolecular Forces This unit meets some of the standards recommended by the National Science Foundation Science Content Standards A and BAB

10 Intermolecular Forces This unit also meets many of the Rhode Island standards formulated by the National Center for Education and the Economy Rhode Island standards

11 Intermolecular Forces Time Simple Molecular Dynamics Feature Tour – 1 class period (50 mins) Simple Molecular Dynamics Feature Tour PreLab Discussion –  1 class period Simulab 12 - 1 class period Simulab 12 PostLab Discussions - 1 class period

12 Intermolecular Forces Electronic Equipment 1 computer/2 students – Preferred or Teacher Computer Demonstration VMDL software and Simulab files Other Resources Student Copy of Simulab 12 Class Textbook

13 Intermolecular Forces Goals To recognize the forces that act between particles of a substance To relate these forces to the macroscopic behavior of a substance

14 Intermolecular Forces Objectives Students will Compare and contrast the forces that determine the movement of atoms relative to each other Determine how forces acting between particles depend on the distance between the two particles Explain the relationship between kinetic and potential energies in a system Interpret the law of conservation of energy in terms of potential, kinetic, and total energies

15 Intermolecular Forces Instructional Activity Simulab 12

16 Intermolecular Forces Assessment Short term – questions in Simulab Long term – lab report, unit test

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