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HN Conference Prepared for the future Seminar Working in partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "HN Conference Prepared for the future Seminar Working in partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 HN Conference Prepared for the future Seminar Working in partnership

2 Aims of the seminar  To review the lessons learned from the HN Modernisation Project  To consider best practice in implementing a partnership approach post-modernisation  To seek views on the protocols for partnership working in the future

3 Review of lessons learned Based on  Evaluation Report on the 2003 HN Design Principles —  Consultation Report on the HN Modernisation exit strategy —  Other issues identified by SQA and HN Key Partners’ Group

4 Evaluation of HN Design Principles — strengths identified in the report Majority of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that:  The HN Modernisation Project has ensured HNC/HNDs are up-to-date  Revision of HNC/HNDs has had a positive impact on quality, consistency and relevance  The catalogue is now manageable and there is a clearer landscape for users  SCQF benchmarking has been positive  The mandatory/optional sections provide clearer articulation but still allow flexibility  Graded Units optimise retention and integration of knowledge and skills  Option of embedding and/or signposting and/or use of dedicated Core Skills Units is an acceptable approach

5 Ongoing issues identified in the report  Need ongoing maintenance programme to ensure HN catalogue is kept up-to-date  Further rationalisation of Units needed  Still too much assessment, loading uneven across subject areas and lack of flexibility  Concern over use of too many exam-based Graded Units  Tension between primary purpose of an HNC/HND — employment or university  Verification issues regarding Graded Units

6 Consultation on the HN Modernisation exit strategy — main findings  The partnership approach developed during the HN Modernisation Project was extremely beneficial and should continue  Qualification Support Teams were seen as valuable to ongoing maintenance  Proposals on enhanced guidance for validation and editing of Graded Units were welcomed  Centres wished to continue to work directly with SQA on development of new Group Award titles  The publication of an HN Annual report was welcomed — now available on web (

7 Ongoing issues identified in the report  Relationships, protocols and timescales between partners needed to be firmed up  HN Key Partners’ Group should review its remit in light of post-modernisation requirements  Annual report fine but need more frequent updates  Better use of, and representation on, Qualification Support Teams, and subject networks

8 Sharing responsibility by working in partnership  Ongoing maintenance will be shared between Qualification Support Team and Qualification Manager — aim is to avoid duplication and keep HNs up-to-date  Minor revisions will be carried out by QST and QM  Major revisions or new developments will go through process established during HN modernisation  New titles must be distinct from existing titles and there must be no significant overlap in content/structure

9 Sharing responsibility by working in partnership  Consortium award will work through QM  Specialist awards – Establish need for a viable qualification – Gain support of college Senior Management Team – Inform and consult with SQA via QM – If agreed, develop/revise qualification – Validation and approval (depending on devolved status)

10 SQA’s ‘part’ in the partnership — what we can do for you  Maintain the HN register on: ─Current Units and Group Awards  Publish HN Annual Report for next academic year ─What is : current, under review, being developed, lapsing  Maintain a Global Planning tool ─Ongoing, update information on status of qualifications  HN Toolkit ─Proposals for new/revised development ─Comment on existing Units or Group Awards  Qualification Portfolio Management Team ─Process information and to ensure it gets to appropriate people  Qualification Managers/Qualification Officers ─Advice, guidance and liaison  Website ─HN page ─Subject pages

11 Colleges ‘part’ in the partnership — what you can do for us  Consult with and inform SQA on plans for revision and development  Use the HN register and the global planning tool to ascertain what exists and to avoid overlap  Inform SQA of changes to plans — so that global planning tool can be updated and we can adjust any plans internally -  Use the forms and tools and systems in place — this will ensure comments and proposals are tracked  Send in examples of good practice in delivery and assessment

12 Other measures to ensure partnership working — Qualification Support Teams  Seen as a crucial to partnership working  Rationalisation and revision of the QST remit — more focus on the Group Award  Revision of the process of recruitment — centre nomination  Protocols for working with other agencies such as SSCs and Scotland’s Colleges will observed and/or agreed  Continue with a flexible, pragmatic model for QSTs  Work with Convention of Principals to gain support at strategic level  Best practice guidance will be issued by SQA on the above in the new year

13 Other measures to ensure partnership working — SQA and Scotland’s Colleges  Continue to develop joined-up thinking and doing  Short-life working group to look at current content and structure of different websites to explore better presentation and linkage of information  Produce protocols for interagency working through the use of QSTs, subject networks and subject mentors  Protocols will be disseminated in the new year

14 Other measures to ensure partnership working — HNKPG  Reconstituted HNKPG  Share intelligence on articulation, workforce development, HN trends, links to other qualifications at SCQF levels 7 and above, and work on specific sectors  Link with other groups in the sector and within SQA  Membership will be reviewed to reflect new remit. Closer ties with Sector Skills Councils and articulation hubs envisaged  Will meet twice a year

15 Other areas of ongoing work  Assessment loading ─SQA is undertaking work on holistic and integrated assessment and will issue further guidance in Spring 2009  Verification ─Short-term, training of verifiers ─Longer-term, SQA is reviewing and consulting on current verification models for Group Awards  Sharing marketing and promotion ideas ─Key messages that can be used by everyone in the sector when promoting HNs ─Information on specific qualifications ─Good case study material ─Links to information on different websites

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