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Clarissa Grindle Library Jeopardy Journals vs. Magazines True or False Types of Sources $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Clarissa Grindle 5/02; Carmen Genuardi.

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Presentation on theme: "Clarissa Grindle Library Jeopardy Journals vs. Magazines True or False Types of Sources $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Clarissa Grindle 5/02; Carmen Genuardi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clarissa Grindle Library Jeopardy Journals vs. Magazines True or False Types of Sources $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Clarissa Grindle 5/02; Carmen Genuardi 08/07

2 This is an example of a _________. Journal $100 Answer

3 Information provided is usually of current or general interest. Magazine Article $200 Answer

4 Tend to be longer articles about research Journal Articles $300 Answer

5 Often written by journalists or professional writers for a general audience Magazine Articles $400 Answer

6 Articles include full citations of sources in a consistent format (e.g., APA or MLA) Journal Article $500 Answer

7 Plagiarism at Seneca includes: “Using someone else’s work (words, images, ideas, phrases, signatures, or computations) and presenting it as one’s own, instead of properly documenting every source.” True $100 Answer

8 Academic Honesty includes citing all of your sources in a “Works Cited” or “References” page. True $200 Answer

9 Plagiarism is not like cheating. False Plagiarism = Cheating $300 Answer

10 When evaluating a source, it is NOT important to consider the reliability or credibility of the author. False $400 Answer

11 To AVOID plagiarizing: cite all your sources and remember to keep good notes. True $500 Answer

12 What does the “e” in e-books stand for? Electronic $100 Answer

13 The “Reference Desk” at the library is where you can do what? Ask for help! $200 Answer

14 You need to write down the call number of a book or video because… The call number is the location of the book or video on the shelf. $300 Answer

15 What will you locate by searching the library catalogue? Books, videos, e-books $400 Answer

16 You can avoid plagiarism by doing this: __________. Citing all your sources $500 Answer

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