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WFD economy 19-20/10/10 Selection of measures based on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis French case study Sarah Feuillette Forecast, assessment & Economy Department.

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Presentation on theme: "WFD economy 19-20/10/10 Selection of measures based on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis French case study Sarah Feuillette Forecast, assessment & Economy Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 WFD economy 19-20/10/10 Selection of measures based on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis French case study Sarah Feuillette Forecast, assessment & Economy Department Seine-Normandie Water Agency

2 WFD economy 19-20/10/10 How CEA was used for the PoM? The construction of the 6 French PoM was based on several CEA made at different scales and steps of the process: preliminary studies: the measures chosen to build the PoM were known to be the most efficient one (efficiency of buffer zones, catch crops, treatment plants had already been tested by research or water agency) but knowledge can evolve! tests were made on pilot basins. It compared combinations of measures reaching the goal, on the basis of their cost Different levels of ambition: for SN sub-basins sometimes different scenarios of different efficiencies and costs were discussed for socio-political & uncertainty reasons

3 Test on a sub-basin comparison of Combinations Households and Industry’s Phosphorus Removal in Washing powders Households Nitrogen Treatment in plantsTreatment in plant Micropollutants : Improve use of productsRainwater management Pesticides Alternative techniques for weed killingNon-agricultural: rainwater management Microbiology Urban pollution: high collection rates and rainwater connection Urban pollution: transfers, collection, management of transfers, collection and connection of rainwater Agricultural pollution: better use of land, limitation of transfers Urban: management of rainwater Susp. Matter Habitats & Morphology No alternative: wetlands protection, river restoration, hydraulic re-connection Buffer zones, winter covering of fields, … Hedges restoration, buffer zones, police enforcement Agricultural pollution Treatment in plant Preventive : actions on causes / sources / upstream Combination 1 : Causes + effects on groundwater Combination 2 : preservation Corrective : Preservation of uses / actions on consequences / downstream Not the same side effects (energy, biodiversity…) Combination 1 : Causes + effects on groundwater Combination 2 : preservation of uses

4 Efficiency Good status Combination 1Combination 2 Business as Usual Measures (ex. WWTD) Additional measures 1 2005 Status Additional Measures M€ / decade Additional measures 2 Combinations which would be equivalently efficient: Impossible =>The difficulties of implementation are not the same (scale, stakeholders, change…)

5 Total costs per user category, in 10 years, sub-basin Orne Baseline Scenario Combination 1Combination 2 Consumer (wash. Powder) Towns Industry Agriculture Government The different combinations don’t imply the same stakeholders nor the same payers Cost efficiency is an important criteria but may not be the most important from a local point of view (PPP, implementation difficulties…)

6 Different levels of ambition (uncertainty => high level of guarantee) No input areas Catch crops Land acquistion « integrated agriculture » Awaresness campaign & material Protection of some priority zones Good status Supposed to guarantee good status but not easy to implement What about side effects ? (health, biodiversity, OSPAR Convention…)

7 WFD economy 19-20/10/10 The difficulties met to use CEA a huge uncertainty on the efficiency of certain measures (above all for agriculture & hydromorphology) that can't be easily modeled => guarantee when using expert knowledge, it seems that the judgment on the efficiency, for certain measures, depends on ideology... Even when modeled… it evolves! the lack of alternatives for some kind of pressions (how to solve urban pollution either than with the usual treatment plants? & hydromorphology measures) the fact that some kind of measures have several effects on different pressions at the same time (how to compare it with a mono-effect measure? e.g: organic agriculture on nitrates & pesticides) Side effects, implementation complexity, polluter payer principle…

8 WFD economy 19-20/10/10 how CEA could be more useful & easy to apply the construction of the PoM does not seem to be the ideal moment nor scale (river basin or sub-basin) to use CEA before this step, at the national scale, CEA could be useful to compare different political macro-scenario combinating regulation, tarification (which imply changes in law most of the time), institutional, technical & eventually market tools after this step, at the time of implementation of the PoM, at the water body scale or group of water body, CEA could be useful to compare different technical choices and in particular more or less preventive choices (use of ecologic engineering) & knowledge about efficiency of some measures should be improved (assessment studies, « witness spots »…)

9 WFD economy 19-20/10/10 Thank you

10 hydraulic barriers line of additional pumping wells Limits of polluted area (east plume) waste dumps Water flow direction => scénario « dépollution » retenu Deux scénarios Déplacement des terrils et traitement sur aire étanche Poursuite du traitement progressif des sources, renforcement des barrages hydrauliques et lignes de puits de dépollution en aval

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