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Presentation on theme: "Adaptations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptations

2 On your paper, list at least five descriptive features of these animals and their habitat.

3 How do these bears differ from those in the previous slide?
List at least three ways.

4 Which of these fish lives near the bottom of the ocean?
A or B Justify your answer?

5 The following pictures show that the same kind of bird can have different beak sizes/shapes. Why would this happen?

6 Can a species DNA change over time?
If so, can that lead to the extinction of that species?

7 Which of the following pictures represents an adaptation?

8 What could cause the extinction of an entire species?

9 Below is the evolution of the horse. Why is the Eohippus not here today?

10 Once upon a time there was a long haired girl bunny…

11 and a short haired boy bunny…

12 They fell in love and had lots of little baby bunnies!

13 The baby bunnies grew and met other bunnies, they fell in love and had babies of their own. This cycle continued for thousands of years!

14 After thousands of years the ancestors of the two original love bunnies only had very short hair. What could have caused the long hair trait to disappear?

15 What is genetic variation?
Do you think it has anything to do with a species survival?

16 What are mutations? List three examples of a mutation.

17 Is this a true statement
Is this a true statement? Organisms always have traits that enable them to adapt to changes in the environment, survive, and pass the traits on to their offspring.

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