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Prehistoric Cave Paintings

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1 Prehistoric Cave Paintings


3 Chauvet Cave Wild horses, bison, mammoths, bears, panthers, owls, deer, <-RHINOS, and wild goats were all depicted.

4 Example of rendered horses

5 Pech-Merle Cave Known specifically for dotted, stylized horses.
16,000 BCE in Dordogne, France Depicts silhouettes of hands. Has both positive and negative imagery.

6 2 minutes of your time! Sketch a depiction of what you think a positive and negative hand looks like in your notebook. GO!


8 Altamira Cave Santander, Spain
Sculptural effects were created with painted animals over rock formations. Upper Paleolithic Period? Early, middle, later?

9 Altamira’s ceiling


11 Lascaux Cave Dordogne, France
North or South? Bulls, deer, and horses all depicted realistically along natural surfaces.


13 Early example of Narrative
Possible story or depiction of a shaman. Shaman: “a person regarding to have access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits.” Possible? Thoughts?


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