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Static Timing Analysis

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1 Static Timing Analysis

2 Timing analysis Need to know the clock frequency in the design process
Dynamic Timing Analysis: Simulation: Needs input vectors (not known during design process)  Can miss an obscure performance-limiting path Very slow  Impractical in the loops of design phases

3 Timing analysis Fast Reasonably accurate measurement of timing
Static Timing Analysis (STA): Fast Reasonably accurate measurement of timing Simplified delay models Calculates an upper bound on frequency Conservative analysis  Safe: guarantees that the design will function at least as fast as predicted Delay characterization for cell libraries is clearly defined  Forms an effective interface between the foundry and the design team

4 STA Vertices: Edges: Many STA tools break the loop and analyze
Combinational circuits: Graph model: DAG Vertices: I/O pins of gates s and t Edges: Connect each input of a gate to its output Show maximum delay paths from the input pin to the output pin Connects the output of each gate to the inputs of its fanout gates Show interconnect delays In case of combinational loop: Many STA tools break the loop and analyze


6 STA Timing Graph Simplified graph 2 3 6 4 2 s 2 5 3

7 Sequential Circuits Represented as: a set of combinational blocks that lie between latches. A timing graph may be constructed for each of these blocks Inputs of graph: PIs + FF outputs Outputs of graph: POs + FF inputs

8 Sequential Circuits Algorithm for finding combinational blocks: Construct a graph in which each vertex corresponds to a combinational element, An undirected edge is drawn between a combinational element and the combinational elements that it fans out to Sequential elements are left unrepresented The connected components of this graph correspond to the combinational blocks

9 Gate Delay Models Look-up table method: Linear model:
Methods for calculating gate delay: Look-up table method: Each entry: delay under different capacitive loads and input transition times. Good accuracy But memory-intensive Linear model: Traditional: (k1 CL + k2): k1: characterized slope k2: intrinsic delay Neglects the effect of the input transition time k-factor equations: Compact the table look-up by fitting function to (k1 + k2CL)τin + k3CL3 + k4CL + k5

10 STA Algorithm Traverse in topological order Apply: 10

11 STA Algorithm 2 2 13 3 6 6 17 10 4 2 2 2 15 5 3 3 Wire delays ignored or added to the gate delays

12 STA: Critical Path Trace back from the PO with largest arrival time
This is the output of last block on critical path Identify the latest arriving input of the block Identify the block that causes this transition Repeat

13 Critical Path: Example
2 2 13 3 6 6 17 10 4 2 2 2 15 5 3 3

14 Required Arrival Times
If Timing constraints are specified: For each node, must check if met or not Useful to know which parts should be sped up If ATnode > RTnode,  the path that the node lies on must be sped up

15 Required Arrival Times
13 15 2 18 13 3 9 3 6 20 3 Min(15,13) = 13 4 2 7 9 2 7 18 10 5 13 3 10 Consider delays as –ve Apply the same procedure from output to inputs Arrow directions reversed

16 Slack Slack of a node: RTnode – ATnode +ve slack s:  Arrival time of that node can be increased by s w/o affecting the overall delay of circuit  Potential to optimize power/area/…. In FPGAs, >75% of nodes have ~ 50% slack

17 More Complex Cases Use these values for arrival times of PIs
Non-zero arrival times at PIs: Use these values for arrival times of PIs Minimum delay calculations: Earliest arrival time of all inputs is added to the block delay Min-max delay calculations: If gate delay = [dmin, dmax], then simple

18 Incremental STA No need for full STA
In physical design loops: A small change in module locations/connection paths In design flow: A small change in circuit No need for full STA  Incremental STA: Event-driven procedure: An event occurs when timing info at the input to the gate is changed Only a small fraction of gates have their arrival times changed

19 False Paths d = 10 d = 20 False path May try too hard to optimize it
Many paths never occur Considering them  pessimistic may waste resources Assumption: INV delay = 0 d = 10 d = 20 False path Critical path: 40 May try too hard to optimize it

20 False Paths Automatic solutions: too complex to be practical
E.g. if inverter delay > 0 In practice: Designers knows functionalities best  Designer specifies

21 References [Sapatnekar06] Sapatnekar, “Static Timing Analysis,” EDA for IC Implementation, Circuit Design, and Process Technology, 2006.

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