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Zacchæus. 2 A Time-Line for Jesus’ Ministry Zacchaeus Ministry begins; Jesus about 30 First Passover; Jesus 30/31January 1, AD27January 1, AD28 Second.

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Presentation on theme: "Zacchæus. 2 A Time-Line for Jesus’ Ministry Zacchaeus Ministry begins; Jesus about 30 First Passover; Jesus 30/31January 1, AD27January 1, AD28 Second."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zacchæus

2 2 A Time-Line for Jesus’ Ministry Zacchaeus Ministry begins; Jesus about 30 First Passover; Jesus 30/31January 1, AD27January 1, AD28 Second Passover; Jesus 31/32 January 1, AD29 Third Passover; Jesus 32/33 January 1, AD30 Fourth Passover, Thu, Apr 4; Jesus 33/34 Tabernacles Transfiguration Sermon on Mount Cripple By Pool The Man with Dropsy Epileptic Child Centurion’s Servant Woman Taken in Adultery Jesus begins to tell the disciples of his death - Matt 16:21; 17:1

3 3 Toward Jerusalem Luke 9:51 – About 7 months before Jesus’ death; soon after the transfiguration. Luke 10:1 – 70 disciples: urgency! Cp Luke 9:1, 2. Luke 13:22 – “toward Jerusalem”. Luke 17:11 – 10 lepers healed. Note Jesus’ concern for others. He had burdens of his own! Luke 18:35 ff; 19:1 – Healed Bartimæus at Jericho. Luke 19:1-10 – Zacchæus!

4 4 Jericho It’s near the Dead Sea, 250 metres (820 feet) below sea level. –Jerusalem is nearby, 730 metres (2400 feet) above sea level. In Joshua 6, Jericho was used as a figure for the sin that will be wiped out in the kingdom. Joshua cursed the city (Josh 6:26). In the days of Ahab, Hiel of Bethel rebuilt the city - to his cost (1 Kings 16:34).

5 5 The Tax System The right to gather tax was let by auction and was then sublet to lesser farmers. Tax agents were necessarily wealthy – they had to guarantee their returns. Collectors were allowed to take a percentage above the assessment. Excesses were common and there were no proper means of regulating the fractional surtax. The common people had no redress: The force of Rome was behind the tax agents. Some Roman authorities connived at the oppression because they benefited from it.

6 6 The Jews Hated Tax Gatherers Because of the oppression. John the Baptist said, “exact no more than that which is appointed you” (Luke 3:13). Because of principle – Jews were God’s people; thus “free”: “We be Abraham’s seed and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?” – John 8:33. Some argued it was unlawful to pay Roman tax – Matthew 22:17. Gentile associations made them socially unacceptable: “It is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company or come unto one of another nation” – Acts 10:28. By this rule, tax gatherers were sinners because they broke this law. Even Jesus used them as a symbol of the rejected – “Let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector” – Matthew 18:17.

7 7 Zacchæus Meets the Lord “He ran before” (Luke 19:4). He had foresight (Compare Abraham – Gen 18:19). He had faith in Jesus’ consistency. Zacchæus threw his pride to the winds: He was a top public servant. He gathered up his skirts and ran. Climbed a tree – in public. The tree was a sycamore fig: It gave travellers fruit and shade. Compare Psa 121:5; Isa 25:4. So Zacchæus became taller!

8 8 Table Arrangement TABLE 3 1 2 456 7 8 9 Israelites generally ate twice daily Ex. 16:12, 1 Ki. 17:6, Jn 21:4, 5, 12). At the time of Christ, guests reclined on couches around three sides of a rectangular table, giving servants access to the fourth side. Position 1 was the “highest room” (Luke 14:8) because, being first to receive the food from the servant’s right hand, he had first choice; the dish was then passed to the next position in order. Position 9 was the “lowest room” (Luke 14:9) because, being last to receive the dish, he could choose only what was left on it.

9 9 “They” All Murmured  That Jesus was guest to a sinner (Luke 19:7) Who were “they”? Mt 9:11, Lk 5:30; Lk 7:34, 39; 15:2; 18:9-14; Mt 21:28 We’d better be ready for criticism – no matter what we do someone is likely to find fault Certainly, Zacchæus was a publican but, in itself, that didn’t make him a sinner! We ought not to pre-judge people We’re all sinners!

10 10 Zacchæus Stood  He could stand in Jesus’ presence!  He addressed the Lord, not the murmurers.  It was his already established custom to give half to the poor; also to restore unjust exaction (vs 8).  Moses’ law: Help the poor – Deut 15:7-11. Strangers, fatherless, widows and Levites to share in freewill offerings (De 16:10 ff) gleanings (De 24:19-21) and tithes (De 26:12). Moses commanded that illicit gain be restored in principal together with a 20% surcharge (Lev 6:2-5).

11 11 Salvation is Come to this House  Not because of the works, but because of the faith that gave rise to the works.  Zacchæus’ (Hebrew) name means “pure”.  He was a “son of Abraham” – cp Jn 8:39. Fundamentally this means one who makes his ways subservient to God’s way – like Abraham.  Jesus sought and saved the lost! – Luke 5:31.

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