Review #1 Draw the heart and label the following: * atriums * atriums * ventricles * ventricles * all four valves * all four valves * septum * septum *

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Presentation on theme: "Review #1 Draw the heart and label the following: * atriums * atriums * ventricles * ventricles * all four valves * all four valves * septum * septum *"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review #1 Draw the heart and label the following: * atriums * atriums * ventricles * ventricles * all four valves * all four valves * septum * septum * SA node, AV node, Bundle of HIS, * SA node, AV node, Bundle of HIS, left and right and bundle left and right and bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers branches, and Purkinje fibers

2 Review #2  Identify the direction of blood flow through the heart including oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood  Describe the difference between pulmonary and systemic blood flow

3 Review #3  Identify the function of the following: Iliac artery/vein Renal artery/vein Mesenteric artery Hepatic Artery/Vein Aorta Pulmonary Artery/Vein Subclavian Artery/Vein Carotid Artery Carotid Artery Inferior/Superior Vena Cava Jugular Vein

4 Review #4  Describe the Conduction System through the heart….explain how the electrical signal travels through the heart.  Include SA node, AV node, Bundle of His, left and right bundle branches, Purkinje fibers, atria, and ventricles fibers, atria, and ventricles

5 Review #5  Explain each wave found in an EKG P wave P wave Q wave R wave S wave T wave

6 Heart Disease  Identify the following heart problems –Ischemia –Hypoxia –Angina Pectoris –Heart Attack –Heart Murmur –Arrhythimia –Tachycardia vs. Bradycardia

7 Review #6  Identify the ABO blood types and give the antigens and antibodies that each possess  Identify which blood types can donate to patients in need of blood transfusions

8 Review #7  Explain why agglutination occurs  Explain why O Blood can be given to anyone (universal donor)  Explain why AB blood can receive blood from anyone (universal recipient)

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