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Edited: Ruth Petersen. ................... Day 1: What We See From Home.

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Presentation on theme: "Edited: Ruth Petersen. ................... Day 1: What We See From Home."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edited: Ruth Petersen

2 ................... Day 1: What We See From Home

3 Sun Pillar.

4 Sun - SOHO

5 Sun Seen in Soft X-Rays

6 Sun - STS 82

7 Stars - Other Suns! 1. Star Colors

8 Cooler: 4000  K Hotter: 7500  K Sun: 5500  K A Star Thermometer

9 Orion - the Hunter Betelgeuse Rigel

10 Star Brightness

11 Star Brightness: Which do You Think is Brighter? Earth 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B

12 The Moon - Our Satellite Tycho

13 Sun The Moon New Crescent Gibbous Old Gibbous Old Crescent Quarter 7 Full 14 Old Quarter 21

14 How Things Move: The MOON West East Day 1 Day 7 Day 5 Day 3

15 Edited: Ruth Petersen

16 ............................. Day 2: The Solar System

17 Our Solar System!

18 Which finally cleared out to leave just the Sun & Planets (and their moons, etc.) Formation of the Solar System It began with a Nebular Gas Cloud From which developed Proto-Sun & Planets Debris Rocky Matter (Source of craters) Icy Matter (Source of comets) From which came the Sun, Planets, & Debris

19 Rocky Matter... What do you see happening here? What do you think that the end result will be? Can we see evidence of this kind of bombardment today?

20 Mercury - Mariner 10

21 Venus - Galileo

22 Radar Map of Venus’ Surface - Magellan

23 Earth - Apollo 17

24 Earth as Seen from Space Australia Mississippi Mt. Etna Gibraltar Antarctica

25 Earth & Moon - Project Galileo

26 Moon - 20th Century Views

27 Mars - Viking

28 Tarsus

29 A Day to Remember!

30 Mars Tarsus & Mariner’s Valley Tarsus Olympus Mons Mariner’s Valley

31 Ida & Dactyl - An Asteroid and its Moon

32 Gaspra - Galileo

33 Jupiter - Voyager

34 Io - Jupiter’s Volcanic Moon

35 Saturn & Two Moons - Voyager

36 Storm on Saturn - HST

37 Uranus - Voyager 2

38 Neptune - Voyager 2

39 Pluto and Charon - HST

40 Edited: Ruth Petersen

41 .......................................................................................... Day 3: The Universe

42 Which finally cleared out to leave just the Sun & Planets (and their moons, etc.) Formation of the Solar System It began with a Nebular Gas Cloud From which developed Proto-Sun & Planets Debris Rocky Matter (Source of craters) Icy Matter (Source of comets) From which came the Sun, Planets, & Debris

43 Icy Matter... Jan Oort’s Cometary Cloud

44 Comet West

45 Pleiades Star Cluster

46 Our Galaxy Stars Gas Dust And more stars...

47 Milky Way: Center - COBE Rotational Axis

48 M31 in Andromeda

49 M51, The WhirlpoolM83 Spiral M100 - HSTM15, Globular Cluster

50 M87 Elliptical Galaxy

51 Black Hole in M87? - HST

52 Why isn’t a Black Hole Black?

53 X-Ray Binary, Black Hole - NASA Drawing

54 M20, The Trifid

55 Horse Head Nebula in Orion

56 Orion Nebula - HST M1, The Crab

57 Deep Field - HST

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