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AACTE Annual Meeting 2016: Professional Development Through Online Professional Seminars (OPS)

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Presentation on theme: "AACTE Annual Meeting 2016: Professional Development Through Online Professional Seminars (OPS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 AACTE Annual Meeting 2016: Professional Development Through Online Professional Seminars (OPS)


3 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Today’s Panelists Moderator: Linda McKee, AACTE, Sr. Director of Performance Measurement and Assessment Policy; OPS Facilitator Panelists: Tim Finklea, AACTE, Director for Member Engagement; OPS Facilitator. Patricia Parrish, Saint Leo University, Associate VP and Accreditation and New Program Integration, Academic Affairs; OPS # 1-6 participant. Deborah L. Rickey, Associate Dean, College of Education, Grand Canyon University; OPS # 1-6 participant. Sandra J. Doran, Principal, HigherEdLearning Consulting Group; OPS Technical Assistance.

4 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OUR MISSION AACTE leads the field in advocating for and building capacity for high-quality educator preparation programs in a dynamic landscape

5 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OUR CORE VALUES Serving all learners Equity High-quality learning Professionalism Diversity Scholarship and Knowledge Production Accountability Infusing Current Knowledge and Practices into Programs

6 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Quality Support Initiative

7 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Quality Support Initiative Goals: Support Profession in the work of Continuous Improvement Support for Achieving Accreditation Professional Development Organizational Development Flexibility for Participants Create corps of credentialed consultants

8 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Online Professional Seminars Why How Learning Strategies Participants

9 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS Course Inventory OPS 1: Building Quality Assessments OPS 2: Using Data for Improvement OPS 3: Creating a Quality Assurance System OPS 4: Making the Case for Accreditation: Standards and Evidence OPS 5: Preparing for Accreditation OPS 6: Leveraging Accreditation for Quality Improvement CC 1-3: Credentialed Consultants

10 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS 1: Building Quality Assessments

11 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS 1: Learning Outcomes

12 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS 2: Using Data for Improvement

13 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS 2: Learning Outcomes

14 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Continuous Improvement Model 1. Make the work problem- specific and user-centered. 2. Variation in performance is the core problem to address. 3. See the system that produces the current outcomes. Are the right stakeholders on hand and ready to participate? Can the problem be stated simply with consensual definitions? Do the data indicate patterns in performance? Do the quantitative data produce a normal distribution? Do the qualitative data provide context for the phenomenon? Will improvement be measurable and allow comparison? Have the stakeholders "visited" the setting? Can the setting and processes be observed and described clearly? Can observations pick up on what is not happening? We embrace the principles of improvement outlined in the Carnegie model (including the AACTE questions) in how we approach continuous improvement in educator preparation.

15 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS 3: Creating a Quality Assurance System

16 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS 3: Learning Outcomes

17 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS Participants 854 participants as of February 1, 2016. OPSs introduced in June 2015. 7 sections of OPS 1, 6 sections of OPS 2, 4 sections of OPS 3 have run and are currently active Sections of OPS 4-6 have run began running in August and are currently active AACTE website has start dates and registration information for upcoming sections events/quality-support-initiative

18 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Feedback Strongly Agree Participants told us through anonymous end of course surveys: Content was appropriateContent was useful

19 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education “As the single accreditor in educator preparation, CAEP commends AACTE’s Quality Support Initiative for helping programs to achieve the rigorous, high standards for professional accreditation” -Dr. Christopher A. Koch, President Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

20 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS 4: Making the Case for Accreditation: Standards and Evidence

21 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS 4: Learning Outcomes

22 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS 5: Preparing for Accreditation

23 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS 5: Learning Outcomes

24 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS 6: Leveraging Accreditation for Quality Improvement

25 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education OPS 6: Learning Outcomes

26 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Today’s Panelists Sandra J. Doran Deborah L. Rickey Tim FinkleaLinda S. McKee Moderator Patricia Parrish

27 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Content from OPS 3

28 Example of Quality Assurance Strategy Analyzed in OPS 3

29 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Discussion Board OPS 3

30 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Discussion Board OPS 3

31 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education AACTE Credentialed Consultants Why? How? Identify authoring team and process for development: Establish protocol, set qualifications for credentialed consultants. Participate in Delphi Study on Competencies Contribute to course authorship – CC 1: Introduction to the Credential – CC 2: Leadership for Consultant – CC 3: Communication

32 American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education “AACTE developed the OPS series in response to members’ interest in using data effectively to document success and drive improvement. We’re thrilled by the interest and participation we’ve received thus far and look forward to further engaging groups to participate in the new in-depth seminars” - Sharon P. Robinson, President and CEO, AACTE


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