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Rowan Class Presentation to Parents.  Mrs Philippa Carter– Class Teacher, Deputy Head and Maths Subject Leader  Mrs Linda May – Teaching Assistant 

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Presentation on theme: "Rowan Class Presentation to Parents.  Mrs Philippa Carter– Class Teacher, Deputy Head and Maths Subject Leader  Mrs Linda May – Teaching Assistant "— Presentation transcript:

1 Rowan Class Presentation to Parents

2  Mrs Philippa Carter– Class Teacher, Deputy Head and Maths Subject Leader  Mrs Linda May – Teaching Assistant  Mrs Helen Rawnson – Thursday cover Staffing

3  Absence- all absences need a written note or email message via office (register closes at 9.15). Please sign children in/out at the office for medical appointments  All reply slips back to Mrs Carter, please rather than the office  Emergency contact/ medical details correct?  New dinner arrangements –ordered by Thursday for the following week. Please notify Mrs Hyde if child is having packed lunches  PE kit brought in for Monday and Wednesday- labelled kit needed (plimsolls or trainers, long hair tied back)  Swimming on Tuesdays  Fruit for snack at break time Class admin

4  Wide spread of ability so children are often grouped for Maths and Literacy  Spelling groups from across Year 3 and 4 on three days a week  Some children supported in class/ and or withdrawn in afternoons for specific help –Reading/ Maths/ Handwriting on 1:1 basis or small group  Regular meetings with parents of children with Special Educational Needs  Handwriting and presentation is a school focus especially this year Curriculum

5 Morning timeSession 1 Asse mbly / Brea k Session 2 Lunc h ReadingSession 3Session 4 0900-09300930 -1030 103 0- 110 0 1100 -1210 1210 - 1300 1300-13301330 -14001400 -1515 MondayLiteracy Phonics 1010- 1030 Numeracy/ ICT Guided Reading TopicPE/Games TuesdayMusic Music/ hand- writing Numeracy Guided Reading Swimmin g Wednesd ay PhonicsLiteracyNumeracy Guided Reading TopicFrench/ ICT Thursday (Mrs Rawnson ) Thinking skills LiteracyNumeracy Guided Reading ScienceRE FridayPhonicsLiteracy/ Testing Numeracy/ Library Guided Reading PHSEArt/DT

6 Curriculum-trips and visitors  Trips – please budget for around £30 for the year  This term’s topic is ‘Prehistory: Long, Long, Long Ago’- first visit 22 September to Salisbury Museum then Stonehenge later in term  Hope to introduce end of topic presentation for parents  ‘French Café’ studied towards Christmas  Swimming is starting 19 September for 10 weeks- thanks to parents who have volunteered to be on the rota  Library- all children need to be registered with the library and bring their card into school as we will access the mobile library on a Friday once a fortnight  Violin offered for half the year for half the class whilst other children learn recorders then swap at February half term

7 Curriculum  School policy is that all equipment is supplied by school- no pencil cases needed  All written work is in pencil- some children may be awarded a pen licence towards the end of the year

8  Pupils improve most in Year 3 when both staff and parents regularly monitor progress  Daily reading is expected: please comment and sign in the reading record – this can be used as a home/school contact book.  At present we change children's books and monitor progress daily- please inform us if the reading book at start is not at the right level  We have a reading challenge and the children who read every day will be given a prize at the end of half Term Home learning

9  Spellings are tested every week on a Friday– your child will have a spelling journal sent home  We will be introducing a ‘Mad Minute’ tables programme- please help your child learn the table given  Homework will be given once a week on a Friday to be handed in on a Thursday. Your child should be able to tell you about the task and how to complete it. If you need to help your child, please make a note of it to show me Home Learning

10  Communication to parents is via letters home, reading records and website  Parents’ Maths Workshop/ Reading Workshop and copies of important letters are put on the class page of website Communication

11 Progress is tracked closely over the year. By end of Year 3 expected level is 3B. Attainment and progress

12  The children are used to assessments as we have different tests that we use throughout the year  At the end of Year 3 we have Optional SATs which inform our teacher assessment  We track each child carefully throughout the year Assessment

13  We’re happy to chat about any worries/concerns you may have – however, if you think you need longer than do please make an appointment. Open door policy!

14 Any questions?

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