Blended teaching for language courses at HCMCUE: Voices from the learners Nguyen Ngoc Vu – HCMC University of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Blended teaching for language courses at HCMCUE: Voices from the learners Nguyen Ngoc Vu – HCMC University of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blended teaching for language courses at HCMCUE: Voices from the learners Nguyen Ngoc Vu – HCMC University of Education

2 Settings

3 Participants

4 Web service used at least 1/week

5 Research questions O Is hybrid learning more effective than traditional learning for Ss at Dept. of English, HCMUE? O What difficulties do hybrid learners have in HCMUE teaching context? O Which MOODLE learning activities interest learners?

6 Hybrid learning is more effective than traditional learning

7 Advantages of hybrid learning

8 How interested are you in the courses?

9 Ss’ interest in MOODLE activities

10 Learners’ difficulties

11 How does hybrid learning help you develop these skills?

12 Suggestions O Hybrid e-learning should be promoted in HCMUE, initially as low tech – high content courses O Network infrastructure needs to be improved, esp. internet connection O Teacher training is the key to successful e- learning deployment.

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