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A look at Beliefs and Customs

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1 A look at Beliefs and Customs
ANCIENT GREECE A look at Beliefs and Customs

2 The Gods of Greece The Greeks were polytheistic-they believed in many gods. The Greeks believed the gods were involved in people’s lives. The gods were believed to have both divine and human qualities. The gods were powerful and could shape human events.

3 A Continuing Look at the Gods of Greece
The gods were believed to show a wide range of human emotions. They constantly competed with one another. There were twelve most important gods and goddesses who lived on Mt. Olympus.

4 The Twelve Olympian Gods and Goddesses
Ares Hephaestus Hermes Demeter Hestia Athena Zeus (Ruler of Olympus) Hera Aphrodite Poseidon Apollo Artemis

5 Myths Were about the gods and goddesses
Created to explain the creation of the world and human beings Often explain natural occurrences such as the changing of the seasons

6 REFLECTION I On a piece of paper separate from your notes, answer the following: Describe what Greek religion was like. Be sure to include the appropriate name for it! How were the Greek myths and religion connected?

7 Honoring the Gods Each city had a special god or goddess to protect it. Statues and temples were created for the gods. Certain days of each month were dedicated to honoring different gods.

8 Festivals of the Gods Games Processions Poetry recitals Foot races
Wrestling Long jump Discus throw Javelin throw Processions Poetry recitals

9 REFLECTION II On your separate piece of paper, answer the following:
Name 3 ways the Greeks honored their gods. What was the purpose of the Olympics?

10 Early Greek Literature
Fables – A short story, usually involving animals, that teaches a moral. Aesop

11 Early Greek Literature Continued
Epic poems – A long poem that tells the story of a hero. Homer Illiad Odyssey

12 REFLECTION III Working with a partner, complete the following:
In 10 words or less explain the differences between an epic poem and a fable. ALL REFLECTIONS MUST BE TURNED IN TO MRS. R ON YOUR WAY OUT.

13 LONG TERM PROJECT On your own, think of the 12 Olympic gods and goddesses. Decide on three that you would like to learn more about. Write your top three choices in order of interest down on a piece of paper with YOUR NAME on it. Hand it to Mrs. R on your way out.

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