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Disorders of the Respiratory System PAGES 452-458.

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Presentation on theme: "Disorders of the Respiratory System PAGES 452-458."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disorders of the Respiratory System PAGES 452-458

2 Asthma  Long-term inflammation of the _____________________________  Causes:   All lead to dramatic _____________ of airways

3 Asthma  Leads to: 

4 Asthma  Certain triggers can lead to a sudden worsening of symptoms, called an attack 

5 COPD  Stands for:  Combination of __________ and _____________  Majority of cases caused by __________  Also, long term exposure to __________________  Can have genetic causes  Bronchitis:

6 COPD  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease  Emphysema:

7 COPD  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease  Emphysema: damage to the alveoli  Reduction in:  Body does not:  _____________________ builds up in blood stream  Body increases _________________________ to try to cope

8 Infections  The respiratory system is in constant contact with the outside environment so it is always coming into contact with infectious agents  Our safety mechanisms, the mucus and cilia, do a pretty good job but….

9 Influenza  Caused by the _____ virus  Highly contagious and spread by ____________________ the virus through the air  Highly ______________ with new variants appearing constantly

10 Tuberculosis  Caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis

11 Tuberculosis  Caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis  Leads to:  The infection can become inactive or _____________  Treated with a six month course of antibiotics

12 Pneumonia  Can be caused by a variety of infectious agents  Symptoms include:   Lungs become:

13 Genetic Disorder  Cystic fibrosis  Caused by a mutant allele that leads to the production of ____________________ that clogs the airways  People with the disorder have a hard time _______________________  Provides a perfect environment for:

14 Smoking  Two major effects of smoking  Carbon monoxide: binds to hemoglobin 200x stronger than oxygen  Causing:  Tar: builds up in and damages the _____________  Irritates the airways leading to the:  Inactivates/kills the ____________

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