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1 Amateur Radio Press F5 to start and use the arrows to navigate.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Amateur Radio Press F5 to start and use the arrows to navigate."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Amateur Radio Press F5 to start and use the arrows to navigate

2 2 What is Amateur Radio?  A hobby enjoyed by all ages from under 10 to over 90 – they are called “hams”  A worldwide service with local and international contacts encouraged

3 3 Local and International Hams enjoy  Talking to others throughout New Zealand via repeaters  Trying to gain special awards  Talking to “hams” overseas via a high frequency radio

4 4 Computers and Amateur Radio Hams are now able to enjoy talking to others overseas through the radio, computer and repeaters.

5 5 Amateurs and the Community Amateur operators are community minded They help with communications in  Civil defense  Search and rescue and forest fires  Special events and activities

6 6 Civil Defence Amateur Radio is very involved with emergency communication at times of natural disaster  Flood  Snow  Earthquake

7 7 Search and Rescue and Fire Communications Amateur radio operators are often used to provide communications for -search and rescue -forest fires

8 8 Special Events and Activities Communications are often provided for JJJJet boat marathons HHHHorse riding endurance CCCCoast to coast MMMMotorbike races

9 9 Special Interest Groups  Amateur television  Radio orienteering  The space station and radio

10 10 How do I become an Amateur ? A licence is required - a knowledge of basic electronics, theory and regulations - classes are often held by clubs or your local high school

11 11 Christchurch and District Clubs  Christchurch  Christchurch West  North Canterbury  Cards – an affiliated group

12 12 Amateur Radio Information The national organisation NZART can be contacted for further information NZART

13 13 Acknowledgements My thanks go to NZART for permission to include their logo and clipart. This presentation has been produced by produced by Denise Hider ZL3HI. End

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