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V. MCDERMOTT ROOM B215 APUSH – Chapter 17. Manifest Destiny & Mexican American War American Progress – John Gast.

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Presentation on theme: "V. MCDERMOTT ROOM B215 APUSH – Chapter 17. Manifest Destiny & Mexican American War American Progress – John Gast."— Presentation transcript:

1 V. MCDERMOTT ROOM B215 APUSH – Chapter 17

2 Manifest Destiny & Mexican American War American Progress – John Gast

3 Basic Time Line for Clarification: 1793 – Cotton Gin 1800’s - Market Revolution - manufacturing & inventions, transportation  Regional specialization, economies, loyalties 1821 – Mexico won Independence from Spain 1824 - End Era of Good Feelings (J.A. Adams) 1828 - Democratization “Common Man” (Jackson)  1830s - New Political parties: (Democratic, Whigs) 1836 – Panic of Economy (Van Buren) 1840 – “Log Cabin Campaign” (Harrison/Tyler) 1840s - Immigration Boom & growing diversity

4 Basic Time Line for Clarification: 1790s -1800s - Liberalism in Religion Second Great Awakening (Concern over lack of religious zeal) Methodist & Baptists religions formed Evangelicalism – inspires reform Mormons (Joseph Smith, Brigham Young) Reforms (religious + secular):  Prison reform  Mentally Ill – Dorothy Dix  Temperance - 1826 American Temperance Society  Prohibition (18 th Amendment)  Abolition -  Women Rights -1848 Seneca Falls Convention, Lucretia Mott & Elizabeth Cady Stanton  Education – Horace Man (more northern reform) Transcendentalism Utopian Community (ie. Mormons)

5 1600s-1800s – Slavery 1619- first slaves ships in colonies 1676 - Bacon’s Rebellion (shift to black slavery) 1780s - Constitutional Convention  3/5 th Compromise & postpone solution  Fugitive Slave Act 1808 - Slave trade ends (internal slave trade remains) Basic Time Line for Clarification:

6 1840 – 1848 MANIFEST DESTINY (TYLER & POLK) Westward Expansion!!

7 Texas Independence 1821- Mexico wins independence from Spain Stephen Austin – given land in modern day Texas  Immigrants had to be Catholic  Follow Mexican Law Mexico outlaws slavery in 1830 & prohibits further immigration 1836 – Texas declares independence Santa Anna leads 6,000 into Texas ALAMO (13 day siege) & San Jacinto - Sam Houston


9 Texas Annexation Issue 1836 Lone Star Republic (own nation) Santa Anna rejects the treaty he signed 1837 - Andrew Jackson recognizes Republic of Texas Requests for admission into the Union  Would it be a slave state!?  No president wants to deal with this!!  Delayed due to the controversial issue of slavery

10 Election of 1840 Whigs chose – William Henry Harrison VP – John Tyler (former Democrat) “Tippecanoe & Tyler too” 32 days in office (shortest term, 1 st to die in office) Whig Party problems with Tyler Entire cabinet resigns! Tyler tries to build a following – needs support Attempts to annex Texas Defeated by Congress (Whigs – no more slave states)

11 Election of 1844 No-one wants Tyler! James K. Polk runs against Clay - Polk wins! Issue – Texas – Annexed (goal for nation) John Tyler submitted the proposal & Congress annexed Texas Joint resolution (only majority both houses)

12 Polk’s Goals 1. Lower tariffs (he is southern!) 2. Restore the National Treasury National Expansion (trend of the time!) & Manifest Destiny!!! (Annexation of Texas) 3. Acquisition of California 4. Settlement of Oregon - Oregon 54*40’ or Fight! – Threat to England

13 Manifest Destiny America’s destiny to control, conquer, and civilize the entire continent White superiority John O’Sullivan – 1845 Westward expansion is not new!  Louisiana Purchase – 1803  Missouri Compromise  Jackson’s Indian Removal policies – 1830s Slavery complicates movement in – 1840s

14 Oregon Dispute! 54*40’ or Fight Anglo American Convention – 1818 US & England agreed to peacefully jointly occupy Oregon territory Oregon Trail – American Settlers large #s Oregon Treaty – 1846 49 th Parallel – No WAR needed Fishing rights – Vancouver Island

15 Issues with Mexico! Mexico says Texas still part of them Santa Anna – clear on this!! Dispute over river Rio Grande & Nueces River

16 California Mexican territory Diverse population – Overland trails Many American pioneers had migrated to CA in the 1820-1830s Polk wanted to buy California Monroe Doctrine (England Fear!) John Slidell’s Mission - $25 million Texas issue clouded the possible purchase Boundary dispute (US – Rio Grande, Mexico - Nueces River)


18 Mexican – American War Polk start war? Zachary Taylor – disputed territory Americans are attacked April 1846 “Mexico has passed the boundary of the United States” Congress overwhelmingly says Yes! Small war Zachary Taylor “Old Rough & Ready” Mexican invades all the way to Mexico City Gen. Winfield Scott – Sept 1847


20 Controversy Northerners oppose (spread slavery) Lincoln – Spot Resolution!! Prove we were attacked! David Wilmot - Wilmot Proviso (1846)  Ban slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico  Passed by House, rejected by Senate Southerners – (suspicious)

21 Wilmot Proviso

22 Mexican – American War Treaty of Guadalupe – Hidalgo (1848) Mexico gave up claims to Texas Accepts Rio Grande border Gave the U.S – California, New Mexico & Southwest *** Increase U.S territory by 1/3 Mexico devastating – lost ½ their territory ** New problems – force issue of slavery!

23 Manifest Destiny

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