GeoFacts: Middle East Middle East Nations, Governments, Economics and People.

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Presentation on theme: "GeoFacts: Middle East Middle East Nations, Governments, Economics and People."— Presentation transcript:

1 GeoFacts: Middle East Middle East Nations, Governments, Economics and People.

2 GeoFacts Why are the Golan Heights, West Bank and Gaza strip known as occupied territories? Agenda 10/17/2010 EQ: What conflicts have arisen due to issues in the Middle East? GeoFacts/warm-up Review for Test tomorrow and play review game! Time permitting work on study guide. HW: Work on study guide and review for Map Quiz 5

3 Answer These are territories that were taken by Israel from Syria and Jordan during the 6 day War.

4 Test Today Agenda 10/18/2010 EQ: What facts and details are relevant to the history of conflict in the Middle East? No GeoFacts Unit Test Keep your eyeballs on your own paper please!!! Put your name, today's date, class period and SS test-Modern ME on the scantron. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST! Put the test face down when you finish and read or sit quietly. NO TALKING!!!

5 GeoFacts What is the nation of Jordan like today? Agenda 10/19/2010 EQ: What key facts are important to the history of the Middle East conflicts? GeoFacts Read Pages 104-107 in Green Coach Book Begin Historical Understanding of the Middle East PPT with guided notes. HW: Study for Map Quiz 5- Econonics review

6 Answer Jordan contains the Dead Sea, the Jordan River, has a constitutional monarchy and a mixed economy.

7 Spooky Facts What is the government and economy of Saudi Arabia like today? Agenda 10/20/2010 EQ:

8 Answer Monarchy, but there is a council who selects the successor among the princes. King’s power is limited by Islamic law and must be in consensus with religious leaders and other influential Saudis. No voting rights or official political parties. King of Saudi Arabia Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Commander of the Saudi National Guard Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia King of Saudi Arabia Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Commander of the Saudi National Guard Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia King Abdullah Bin-Abd-al-Aziz Al Saudi

9 GeoFacts What is the government of Israel like today??? Agenda 10/22/2010 EQ: What important characteristics are found in Israel, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Turkey and other Middle Eastern Nations? GeoFacts/warm up Introduce Choice Board Activity and Reading pages 103-106 Map Quiz 6: Get It Done Already!!!, notes if time permits. HW: Current Events is due 11/2-don’t wait until the last minute!

10 Answer Unitary system with parliamentary democracy. President is head of state and prime minister is head of government. Citizens over 18 can vote for members of the unicameral legislature (Knesset). Government today Parliamentary democracy [1] - PresidentShimon Peres - Prime Minister Ehud Olmert - Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin - Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch

11 Spooky Facts How does geography affect where people live in the Middle East? Agenda 10/25/2010 EQ: What is the region of Israel, the occupied territories and Jordan like today? GeoFacts, Reading pages 106-109, Notes HW: study for map quiz and current events due 11/3

12 Answer In the Middle East, water is scarce and so people live in areas near water. Many jobs and travel is often near water as well.

13 GeoFacts Once known as Persia, this country is a theocratic republic with a presidential system, is based on Islamic law and citizens over 18 can vote. Who am I? Agenda 10/26/2010 EQ: What critical facts and details are important about Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and Iraq today? GeoFacts, Continue Reading pages 109-112. Notes, remainder of class time is to be spent on Choice Board Assignment Completion HW: Choice Board Activities, Current Events due 11/3 and Map Quiz

14 Answer Iran!!! Check out the populations and religious groups

15 GeoFacts What type of economic system does Israel have today? Agenda 10/27/2010 EQ: What are most common cultural characteristic s are shared in the Middle East? Reading, Notes- Choice Board Activities due 11/9. HW: Study for map quiz and work on Current Events due 11/3 Choice Board due 11/9

16 Answer Israel falls slightly to the market side of the economic continuum. It has a Mixed economy – What to produce? High tech manufacturing, financial services, and agriculture – How to produce? Substantial government ownership of business, but is gradually privatizing companies – For whom? Domestic and international markets based on market price system

17 GeoFacts What are the major ethnic groups found in the Middle East? Agenda 10/28/10 EQ: What are the common types of economies found in the Middle East? GeoFacts, Begin Middle East Government and Economics. Reading pages 125-128, notes HW: Study for Map quiz, Current events due 11/3 and Choice Board 11/9

18 Answer Arabs make up most of the population, Jews, Kurds, Persians, Turks, Bedouins, Berbers and Druze.

19 GeoFacts What is the relationship between investment in human capital (invest in people) and GDP? Agenda 10/29/2010 EQ: What are the prevalent types of governments located in the Middle East today? GeoFacts, Map Quiz 7-The Whole Nine Yards, notes on Government and Economics of the ME, reading if time permits..

20 Answer Israel – Literacy Rate: 96.9% – GDP per capita: – $28,400 (2009 est.) Saudi Arabia – Literacy Rate: – 78.8% – GDP per capita: – $20,600 (est. 2009) Iran – Literacy Rate: 79% – GDP per capita: – $12,500 (est. 2009) What do you notice????? If people can read, they can earn more MONEY!








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