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Responses to the War: Idealism “sometimes gunpowder smells good” Emerson.

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Presentation on theme: "Responses to the War: Idealism “sometimes gunpowder smells good” Emerson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responses to the War: Idealism “sometimes gunpowder smells good” Emerson

2 The War over in a few months? Emerson predicted the war would not be over in a few months. Concord volunteers return from the battle of Bull Run and don’t want to reenlist.

3 - all the men with this coating of murk and seat and rain, now recoiling back, pouring over the Long Bridge—a horrible march of twenty miles, returning to Washington baffled, humiliated, panic- struck. Where are the vaunts, and the proud boasts with which you went forth? Where are your banners, and your bands of music, and your ropes to bring back your prisoners? Well, there isn’t a band playing-and there isn’t a flag but clings ashamed and lank to its staff. »-Walt Whitman

4 Causes of Civil War

5 Response to the War: Disillusionment Walt Whitman served to justify Herman Melville’s pessimism. Melville wrote poems about the war, but never a novel. Famous poems include: Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War. He wrote about human nature being stripped bare, revealing not the heroism and strength that Whitman found.

6 The Civil War

7 Stephen Crane’s War Literature

8 More on Crane...

9 Literature of the Civil War Literary accounts written largely in poems and novels. Ernest Hemingway went to the war to get material to write in a novel. Emily Dickinson began writing poetry.

10 Dickinson

11 Ernest Hemingway

12 Rise of Realism Born of chivalric romance, the romantic novel presents readers with lives lived idealistically-beyond the level of everyday life.

13 Evolutions of Realism in Literature Europe begins to embrace realism in litertature developing the work of the following writers: Daniel Defoe, George Eliot, Anthonty Trollope, Honore de Balzac, Stendal, Gustave Flaubert, and Leo Tolstoy. Realism sought to explain why ordinary people behave the way they do. Realistic novelists often relied on the emerging sciences of human and animal behavior-biology, psychology, and sociology-as well as on their own insights and observations.

14 Regionalism Defined Emphasizes a specific geographic setting and that makes use of the speech and manners of the people who live in that region. (Regionalism flourished in the 1920s and 1930s especially in the South.) While regional writers strove to be realistic in their depiction of speech patterns and manners, they were often unrealistic- even sentimental-in their depiction of character and social environment.

15 Uncle Tom’s Cabin

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