Red Panda By Delaney Simmons. Description Classification- kingdom; mammal, phylum; chordata, class; mammalia, order; carnivora, family; ailurdae, genus;

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1 Red Panda By Delaney Simmons

2 Description Classification- kingdom; mammal, phylum; chordata, class; mammalia, order; carnivora, family; ailurdae, genus; Aulurus, species; Ailurus fulgens refulgens Shape- cat-like, with a really long tail. Dimensions- length; head and body- 20-26 in., tail- 12-20 in. Weight-12-20 lbs. adult.

3 Description cont. Colors and markings- reddish brown color fur, black underside. White mask-like face fur, white ears, and white rings around the tail. Other; extended wrist bone functions like a thumb.

4 Habitat Part of world- lives in the mountains of Nepal, Myanmar, and Central China. Enviroment-remote mountainous areas of dense forest and bamboo thickets. Elevation 6,000-12,000 ft.

5 Diet The Red Panda is an herbivore. Eats bamboo, fruit, acorns, roots, and eggs.

6 Family Life Usually has 1-4 babies. Gestation-134 days. Born in late spring and early summer. The young stay in the nest for about 90 days under mothers’ care.(the father is rarely present). They stay with their mother for about a year, or until the next litter is born. Shelter- hollow trees and rock crevasses.

7 Social Behavior and Characteristics Red Pandas are mild and non-aggressive, and the males can appear territorial. Temperament- generally mild. Habits and unique behavior- they mark their territory by rubbing glandular sacs on various objects in the wild, leaving a specific scent. Defenses- arch back violently and give off an explosive sound, much like racoons.

8 Characteristics cont. Aquiring food- find food on the forest floor at night. Life-span; in the wild, about 8 years. Other- ten to sleep with their nose tucked under a hind limb, or tail.

9 History and Present Status First known sighting was recorded in a 13 th century in a Chou dynasty scroll. Thomas Hardwide called it “wah”, because of the unique sound it makes. 1994-vulnerable, 1991-2004; endangered.

10 Relationship to Humans Humans are cutting down bamboo forests that house and feed the Red Panda. If we don’t take care of the forests, the Red Panda could go extinct.

11 Sources Nationalgeographic.com, zoo.org, animalinfo.com, blog.hipertechsolutions.com, redpanda.com, gowanuslounge.blogspot.com, tigertailfoods.com, animalpicturesandwallpapers.com.

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