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SOLAR BUSINESS You Want This Change. Solar Energy Solar energy is simply energy provided by the sun. Scientist have found out ways to turn the suns heat.

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Presentation on theme: "SOLAR BUSINESS You Want This Change. Solar Energy Solar energy is simply energy provided by the sun. Scientist have found out ways to turn the suns heat."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOLAR BUSINESS You Want This Change

2 Solar Energy Solar energy is simply energy provided by the sun. Scientist have found out ways to turn the suns heat and light into a usable energy that can replace our conventional ways. Using this to replace the old ways of producing electricity can benefit everyone in so many different ways. In use, solar energy produces no emissions. One megawatt per hour of solar electricity offsets about 0.75 to 1 tonne of CO2. PV panels are being used increasingly, both in the city and in remote locations, to produce electricity for households, schools and communities.

3 Why Solar??? Saves money- Putting in solar panels could drastically save you money by either eliminating or reducing your electric bill. Benefits from Government Incentives- Benefits from Government Incentives- Federal, state and some local governments often offer great rebates and incentives to encourage businesses to invest and go solar. Marketing - Investing in solar will position your business as a forward thinking environmental leader in the business world. This can attract more clients and lead to greater profits while saving you money. Going Green for the U.S.- By going green, your business will not only reduce its carbon footprint but will also promote U.S. energy independence by reducing its needs for foreign energy.

4 The Future of Energy It is no secret the huge debate with energy efficiency and how it ties into the environment. It is one of the big debates in this world and everyone is starting to jump on board. Solar energy is poised to play a huge role in our energy due to new developments that make it extremely cost effective. The solar PV industry aims to provide half of all new U.S. electricity generation by 2025. There are also more and more architects learning how to effectively incorporate it into the new building designs. The Shell company has also predicted that all of the worlds energy will come from renewable sources like, Solar energy, by 2040- It is time we all jump on board.

5 Solar vs. Wind Wind turbines can take a lot of space and can be noisy, so they’re better suited for rural rather than urban locations. Wind energy works best in windy places, not surprisingly. Solar power is versatile. Wind turbines require maintenance, and solar is overall virtually maintenance free.

6 Solar Vs. Hydropower Hydropower is usually done with large scale damns, solar energy can be used pretty much anywhere. These large dams are extremely expensive to build while a solar panel is not. Flooding large areas of land destroys habitat and can force human relocation; solar panels can be installed on existing unused space like rooftops Building large dams can cause geological damage that may end up leading to earthquakes. Dams can sometimes unfairly alter the water supply between communities. Building dams alters the natural water table and can have a negative affect on wildlife.

7 Why Be Done with the Conventional ???? Most of the electricity used in the United States comes from coal powered steam turbines. The others are Natural gasses and petroleum are other resources that are used by power plants. The concern here is that Turbines powered through the burning of coal and other fuels cause pollution and climate change. The sad thing about this is that these resources are finite which means that they can only be used ones and will eventually run out all together. This is one of the running problems in the world. Climate change is worse than ever and will only continue to get worse if we do nothing. Plus, the amount of money this costs people is crazy. Businesses could lead the way and should take be the ones to do so.

8 Environmental impact of using Coal as Our Mane Source of Energy. Air pollution from coal firepower plants includes sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and heavy metals, leading to smog, acid rain, toxins in the environment, and numerous respiratory, cardiovascular, and cerebrovascular effects. Coal dust that is cause from mining and the transportation of it can cause extremely sever respiratory problems. The Coal fired power plants are responsible for one third of Americans Carbon Dioxide emissions which means it is playing a huge role in our climate change issue. Thermal pollution from coal plants is the degradation of water quality by power plants and industrial manufacturers - when water used as a coolant is returned to the natural environment at a higher temperature, the change in temperature impacts organisms by decreasing oxygen supply, and affecting ecosystem composition. These are only some of the negative affect of using Coal as our mane energy source.

9 Conclusion With all the new studies about climate change and the effectiveness of this renewable energy, the only question is why not? This could be so beneficial to business and all it requires is a step forward in the right direction. The evidence is all there especially when it comes to saving money, and when it comes to business, that is probably at the top of the list. We need to all come together as a people to take this step forward and to help ourselves and the planet become great again.

10 Work Cited solar-energy solar-energy cts_of_coal cts_of_coal power-vs-other-renewable-energy-sources/ power-vs-other-renewable-energy-sources/

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