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Today is a Special Schedule for Station Rotation Grade 6Grades 7-8 PERIODTIMEMINUTESPERIODTIMEMINUTES 1 st per. teacher 9:15-9:227 1 st per. teacher 9:15-9:457.

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Presentation on theme: "Today is a Special Schedule for Station Rotation Grade 6Grades 7-8 PERIODTIMEMINUTESPERIODTIMEMINUTES 1 st per. teacher 9:15-9:227 1 st per. teacher 9:15-9:457."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today is a Special Schedule for Station Rotation Grade 6Grades 7-8 PERIODTIMEMINUTESPERIODTIMEMINUTES 1 st per. teacher 9:15-9:227 1 st per. teacher 9:15-9:457 Station Rotation 9:26-10:26 60 Station Rotation 9:26-10:26 60 Debrief in Homeroom 10:30-10:42 12 Debrief in Homeroom 10:30-10:42 12 1 10:46-11:27 411 10:46-11:27 41 211:31-12:12 412 11:31-12:12 41 LUNCH (3) 12:12-12:45 333 12:16-12:57 41 4 12:49-1:30 41LUNCH (4) 12:57-1:30 33 5 1:34-2:15 415 1:34-2:15 41 6 2:19-3:00 416 2:19-3:00 41 73:04-3:454173:04-3:4541 9-1-15

2 LUNCHES Please remember that lunch boxes are not to be brought onto the field during recess. They should stay in the 4- square area in the courtyard near Miss. Paula. Thank you! 9-1-15

3 BACKPACKS Backpacks are to be kept in lockers during the school day. If you have difficulties with your locker, please come to the office for help. 9-1-15

4 skateboards Please remember that you can ride your skateboards to school, but once you arrive, you cannot ride them on school grounds. Skateboards can still be stored in the office, but NOT in your lockers. Helmets need to be worn and buckled at all times. 9-1-15

5 Jazz band tryouts Jazz Band auditions will be held this week on Thursday, September 3rd and Friday, September 4th at 8am in the band room. There are positions open for saxophone, trombone, trumpet and rhythm section. Enter the band room through the door off of 16th and Umatilla. See you then! 9-1-15

6 Boy’s & Girl’s Club Let you parents know that the Boy’s and Girl’s Club will not be open after school until September 15 th. Thanks! 9-1-15

7 Auditions: Thursday, September 17 th PEAK FALL PLAY: The Sound of Music 9-1-15

8 Join Cleveland Cluster Cross Country Info meeting on Thursday, Sept. 3 at 6:30 PM, in CHS library Don’t need to attend every practice or meet to join Practices are M and W or Th Meets are W or Th 2K (1.24 miles) for 6th grade 3K (1.86 miles) for 7th and 8th grade Pick up forms in rm 218 or download them from the website! Forms due 9/9 (first practice). 9-1-15

9 Join PIL’s Cleveland Cluster Volleyball Teams! Practices twice a week, games on Saturdays at PPS high schools Tryouts are on Saturday, Aug. 29 Talk to Ms. Russell in room 221 if you have questions Forms and info flyers are on the door of room 218 or on the website 9-1-15

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