When you come in... 1)Match the cards- picture to correct words - use LOGIC to help work the answers out 2) Turn the cards over and, in pairs, play pelmanism:

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Presentation on theme: "When you come in... 1)Match the cards- picture to correct words - use LOGIC to help work the answers out 2) Turn the cards over and, in pairs, play pelmanism:"— Presentation transcript:

1 When you come in... 1)Match the cards- picture to correct words - use LOGIC to help work the answers out 2) Turn the cards over and, in pairs, play pelmanism: 1 person picks 2 cards to try to find a match, then the next person - see who ends up with the most cards...

2 jugué al ajedrez jugué a las cartas Fui a la playa Fui al cine Fui de pesca Fui de compras toqué la guitarra toqué la bateria Leí un libroVi la tele monté en bicicleta monté a caballo Hice la vela Hice el bricolaje saqué fotos

3 Objetivos 1.To learn 15 leisure activities in the preterite tense 2.To play brain gym 3.To write a description of what you did last weekend

4 izquierdaderechados manos

5 Task: To write a description of what you did last weekend, using the phrases that you already have. To include: 1)A minimum of 3 activities 2)Opinions me gustó=I liked it me encantó=I really liked it odié=I hated it Me dio igual=I didn’t mind it 3)Linking phrasessin embargo = however también=also pero=but

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