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Freedom and Determinism Libertarianism: Part 1. The Incompatibility Argument 1)Determinism is true. 2)If (1), then the Freedom Principle is false. 3)[So]

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Presentation on theme: "Freedom and Determinism Libertarianism: Part 1. The Incompatibility Argument 1)Determinism is true. 2)If (1), then the Freedom Principle is false. 3)[So]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Freedom and Determinism Libertarianism: Part 1

2 The Incompatibility Argument 1)Determinism is true. 2)If (1), then the Freedom Principle is false. 3)[So] The Free Will Principle is false.

3 The Incompatibility Argument Hard Determinism: The Freedom Principle is false. Soft Determinism: Determinism is compatible with the Freedom Principle. Libertarianism: Determinism is false.

4 Libertarianism T hou Great First Cause, least understood! Who all my sense confined To know but this, that thou art good, And that myself am blind; Yet gave me in this dark estate, To see the good from ill: And binding nature fast in fate, Left free the human will. Pope, “The Universal Prayer”

5 Simple Libertarianism An event is undetermined iff the past, together with the laws of nature, does not determine whether or not it will occur. Simple Libertarianism: (i) There are some undetermined events and (ii) an action is free iff it is undetermined. Objection: The randomness worry

6 Volitional Libertarianism Volitional Libertarianism: (i) There are some undetermined events and (ii) an action is free iff it is an undetermined choice (or caused by an undetermined choice). Objection: The revised randomness worry

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