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WHO IT EFFECS The most effected are men between the ages of 15 to 35.

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3 WHO IT EFFECS The most effected are men between the ages of 15 to 35

4 THE SIGNS Lying to go and play the game Skipping planed events to play the game Playing for increasing amounts of time

5 Some Ways to Help Try turning off the game for three days or so if you cant and especially if you feel guilty about it. you know your problem is serious and you should see a specialist Currently the only place to get certified help is a clinic in Amsterdam but the growing problem has led to a way for WOW (world of warcraft) addicts to get help At

6 WOW and other addicting games The most prevalent is WOW it is a MMORPG or massively multiplayer role playing game MMORPG’s create a virtual ever expanding world witch is impossible to win in They are incredibly dangerous for people who have addictive personalities because of course you can never win the fantasy world can sometimes even become a persons reality They can be so much better than a persons real life

7 Binary Numbers Binary Numbers is a number system used by computers. They let you represent any amount using two digits, which are 0 and 1.

8 Bytes* A unit of storage capable of holding a single character. The abbreviation for binary term. There are 8 bits in one byte.

9 Mentioned ! Binary numbers were first mentioned by Gottfried Wilhelm. He composed this idea in writing in 1679. Over the years it has been revised to better understand.

10 Converting 01011011 1286432168421 2727 2626 2525 2424 23232 2121 2020 Wherever there is a 1 you add the number. 64+16+8+2+1=91 Each number goes up to the powers, such as ; 2 0 =1, 2 1 =2, 2 2 =4 etc...

11 . Software that sends information about your Web surfing habits to its Web site.It copy's a small bit of code into your computer that enables the writer of said code to have remote access to your that is used to prevent, detect, and remove malware, including computer viruses, and worm. is any program or file that is harmful to a computer user

12 . deliberately designed to damage files or otherwise interfere with your computer's operationdeliberately designed to damage files or otherwise interfere with your computer's operation. Helps the computer by sending information to better chances of winning prices. Makes it run slow. Steal your personal information

13 Binary NumbersViruses Videogame addiction 100 200 300 400 500

14 What is videogame addiction? A psychological disorder A addiction to a substance A addiction to your computer A healthy part of childhood

15 Where is the only clinic devoted entirely to videogame addiction located France London Amsterdam The U.S.A

16 Why are videogames addictive They make you feel really relaxed They can be better than a persons reality They make you feel like you've had a holbunch of caffeine They make you feel like you've had a holbunch of caffeine They can make your social life better

17 Who is most likely to get addicted Men Woman

18 What is the worst kind of game to be addicted to MMORPG GGORTC MORPG

19 What is the binary number for 125? 01111101 0001001 01101000 111110111 refer back to the chart for further help

20 Who composed the idea of binary numbers? Gottfried Wilhelm Copernicus Ancient Greeks Albert Einstein

21 What does bytes mean ? The abbreviation for binary numbers Something inside a computer The French spelling of bite How many giga bites in a MAC computer

22 00100101 is equal to what number? 35 26 37 65

23 A bit can be equal to 0,1, or 2? True False Always True Never True

24 .1881.2010.19861986.20032003

25 . infectionscomputer partscomputer games

26 .Trojans. False antivirus software.malware.spyware

27 YOU GOT IT WRONG …HA HA :P Back to question jeopardy board Back to question Back to 100 Back to 200 Back to 300 Back to 400 Back to 500

28 YOU GOT IT RIGHT’ CONGRATZ!! =) Back to questionBack to questions

29 Correct Answer ! Back To Game

30 Sorry, Wrong Answer Try Again

31 Bibliography My memory

32 Bibliography My own knowledge and notes. Author not given. Binary Number System, date not given Math is Fun? October 29,2010 [ system.html ] system.html Author not given. The Binary System, date not given A tutorial on Binary Numbers October 28, 2010 [ F/Readings/student-binary ] F/Readings/student-binary

33 . My Own Knowledge, and topics I studied in class

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