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The Pulmonary System Chapter 4 Part I: Functional Anatomy.

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1 The Pulmonary System Chapter 4 Part I: Functional Anatomy

2 Objectives n Discuss the basic pulmonary structures and their functions n Discuss the processes of ventilation and respiration n Discuss the regulation of breathing and implications for injury or illness

3 Anatomical Structures n Nasal passage n Oral cavity n Pharynx n Larynx n Trachea n Bronchi n Bronchioles n Alveoli n Capillaries The Pulmonary System

4 Functions n Ventilation u Mechanics of moving air in and out of the lungs n Respiration u Exchanges O 2 and CO 2 The Pulmonary System

5 Functions n Ventilation The Pulmonary System F Requires active muscle contraction F Occurs passively

6 Functions n Ventilation u Inhalation or Inspiration F Requires active muscle contraction The Pulmonary System DiaphragmDiaphragm External intercostalsExternal intercostals Accessory musclesAccessory muscles AbdominalsAbdominals SternocleidomastoidsSternocleidomastoids ScalenesScalenes TrapeziusTrapezius

7 Functions n Ventilation u Exhalation or Expiration F Occurs passively The Pulmonary System

8 Functions u Air enters through nasal passage F Warmed F Filtered MucusMucus CiliaCilia The Pulmonary System n Ventilation (Inspiration)

9 Functions u Air passes through pharynx  larynx larynx  trachea trachea The Pulmonary System

10 Functions n Ventilation (Inspiration) u Trachea branches to form R and L bronchi The Pulmonary System

11 Functions n Ventilation (Inspiration) u Bronchi branch into bronchioles The Pulmonary System

12 Functions n Ventilation (Inspiration) u Bronchioles terminate into alveoli The Pulmonary System

13 Functions n Respiration u Alveoli surrounded by network of thin walled capillaries The Pulmonary System

14 Functions n Respiration u Gas exchange occurs across the thin walls of capillaries and alveoli The Pulmonary System

15 Functions n Respiration u Gas exchange F O 2 F CO 2 The Pulmonary System

16 Functions n Ventilation (Expiration) u Air moves back thru pulmonary system to be exhaled The Pulmonary System

17 Functions n Ventilation (Expiration) u Air moves back through pulmonary system to be exhaled The Pulmonary System

18 Regulation of Breathing n Central nervous system u Brain F Medulla is sensitive to CO 2 levels in the blood u Inspiratory muscles controlled by phrenic nerve (C3-C5 nerve roots) and cranial nerve XI (sternocleidomastoid) Implications?

19 Questions?

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